Chemical elements

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The following is a list of the 118 chemical elements of the periodic table[1], with English names, brief etymologies, and equivalents in other languages. This chart includes the atomic weight, the element's block on the periodic table (based on electron shell configurations), general grouping or classification, and equivalents in various languages. The languages include Korean, simplified and traditional Chinese characters (簡体字 jiantizi, simplified characters, and 繁体字 fantizi, complex or traditional characters), Chinese pinyin romanization, Japanese names (most of which are in kana), the Japanese pronuniciation via romanization, and Vietnamese.

number symbol name etymology discovered group block weight German Spanish French Italian Russian Korean 簡体字 繁体字 pinyin Japanese Jp pron. Vt
1 H Hydrogen Greek hydro-+-gen, 'water-forming ' 1766 non-metal s-block 1 Wasserstoff (Hydro­genium) Hidrógeno Hydrogène Idrogeno Водород 수소 Qīng 水素 suiso hydro
2 He Helium Greek hḗlios, 'sun ' 1895 noble gas s-block 4 Helium Helio Hélium Elio Гелий 헬륨 Hài ヘリウム heriumu heli
3 Li Lithium Greek líthos, 'stone ' 1817 alkali metal s-block 6.9 Lithium Litio Lithium Litio Литий 리튬 リチウム riteumu lithi
4 Be Beryllium Beryl, a mineral ( from  Belur, India) 1798 alkaline earth s-block 9 Beryllium Berilio Béryllium Berillio Бериллий 베릴륨 ベリリウム beririumu beryli
5 B Boron Borax, a mineral (from Arabic bawraq) 1808 metaloid p-block 10.8 Bor Boro Bore Boro Бор 붕소 Péng ホウ素 houso bo
6 C Carbon Latin carbo, 'coal' Ø non-metal p-block 12 Kohlenstoff (Car­bonium) Carbono Carbone Carbonio Углерод 탄소 Tàn 炭素 tanso cacbon
7 N Nitrogen Greek nítron + -gen, 'niter-forming ' 1772 non-metal p-block 14 Stickstoff (Nitro­genium) Nitrógeno Azote Azoto Азот 질소 Dàn 窒素 chisso nitơ
8 O Oxygen Greek oxy-+-gen, 'acid-forming ' 1774 non-metal p-block 16 Sauerstoff (Oxy­genium) Oxígeno Oxygène Ossigeno Кислород 산소 Yǎng 酸素 sanso oxy
9 F Fluorine Latin fluere, 'to flow ' 1886 halogen p-block 19 Fluor Flúor Fluor Fluoro Фтор 플루오린 フッ素 fusso fluor
10 Ne Neon Greek néon, 'new ' 1898 noble gas p-block 20.2 Neon Neón Néon Neon Неон 네온 Nǎi ネオン neon neon
11 Na Sodium English (from Latin) soda; Na from New Latin natrium, from German Natron, 'natron ' 1807 alkali metal s-block 23 Natrium Sodio Sodium Sodio Натрий 나트륨 (소듐) ナトリウム natoriumu natri
12 Mg Magnesium Magnesia, a district of Eastern Thessaly, Greece 1808 alkaline earth s-block 24.3 Magnesium Magnesio Magnésium Magnesio Магний 마그네슘 Měi マグネシウム maguneshiumu magiê
13 Al Aluminum Alumina, from Latin alumen (gen. aluminis), 'bitter salt, alum ' 1825 metal p-block 27 Aluminium Aluminio Aluminium Alluminio Алюминий 알루미늄 アルミニウム aruminiumu nhôm
14 Si Silicon Latin silex, 'flint' (originally silicium) 1823 metaloid p-block 28.1 Silicium Silicio Silicium Silicio Кремний 규소 Guī ケイ素 keiso silic
15 P Phosphorus Greek phōsphóros, 'light-bearing ' 1669 non-metal p-block 31 Phosphor Fósforo Phosphore Fosforo Фосфор Lín リン rin phosphor
16 S Sulfur Latin sulphur, 'brimstone' Ø non-metal p-block 32.1 Schwefel (Sulphur) Azufre Soufre Zolfo Сера Liú 硫黄 iou lưu huỳnh
17 Cl Chlorine Greek chlōrós, 'greenish yellow ' 1774 halogen p-block 35.5 Chlor Cloro Chlore Cloro Хлор 염소 塩素 enso clo
18 Ar Argon Greek argós, 'idle' (due to its inertness) 1894 noble gas p-block 40 Argon Argón Argon Argon Аргон 아르곤 アルゴン arugon agon
19 K Potassium New Latin potassa, 'potash', from pot + ash; K derives from Latin kalium 1807 alkali metal s-block 39.1 Kalium Potasio Potassium Potassio Калий 칼륨 (포타슘) Jiǎ カリウム kariumu kali
20 Ca Calcium Latin calx, 'lime ' 1808 alkaline earth s-block 40.1 Calcium Calcio Calcium Calcio Кальций 칼슘 Gài カルシウム karushiumu calci
21 Sc Scandium Latin Scandia, 'Scandinavia ' 1879 transition metal d-block 45 Scandium Escandio Scandium Scandio Скандий 스칸듐 Kàng スカンジウム sukanjiumu scandi
22 Ti Titanium Titans, sons of Earth goddess in Greek mythology 1791 transition metal d-block 47.9 Titan Titanio Titane Titanio Титан 타이타늄 (타타늄, 타탄) Tài チタン chitan titan
23 V Vanadium Vanadis, an Old Norse name for Scandinavian goddess Freyja 1830 transition metal d-block 50.9 Vanadium Vanadio Vanadium Vanadio Ванадий 바나듐 Fǎn バナジウム banajiumu vanadi
24 Cr Chromium Greek chróma, 'colour ' 1797 transition metal d-block 52 Chrom Cromo Chrome Cromo Хром 크로뮴 (크롬) Luò クロム kuromu crom
25 Mn Manganese Corrupted from magnesia negra; see magnesium 1774 transition metal d-block 54.9 Mangan Manganeso Manganèse Manganese Марганец 망가니즈 (망간) Měng マンガン mangan mangan
26 Fe Iron English word; Fe derives from Latin ferrum Ø transition metal d-block 55.8 Eisen (Ferrum) Hierro Fer Ferro Железо Tiě tetsu sắt
27 Co Cobalt German Kobold, 'goblin ' 1737 transition metal d-block 58.9 Cobalt Cobalto Cobalt Cobalto Кобальт 코발트 コバルト kobaruto coban
28 Ni Nickel Nickel, a mischievous sprite of German miner mythology 1751 transition metal d-block 58.7 Nickel Níquel Nickel Nichel Никель 니켈 Niè ニッケル nikkeru niken
29 Cu Copper English word, from Latin cuprum, from Ancient Greek Kýpros 'Cyprus' Ø transition metal d-block 63.5 Kupfer (Cuprum) Cobre Cuivre Rame Медь 구리 Tóng dou đồng
30 Zn Zinc Most likely from German Zinke, 'prong' or 'tooth', or Persian sang, 'stone ' 1746 transition metal d-block 65.4 Zink Zinc Zinc Zinco Цинк 아연 Xīn 亜鉛 aen kẽm
31 Ga Gallium Latin Gallia, 'France ' 1875 metal p-block 69.7 Gallium Galio Gallium Gallio Галлий 갈륨 Jiā ガリウム gariumu galli
32 Ge Germanium Latin Germania, 'Germany ' 1886 metaloid p-block 72.6 Germanium Germanio Germanium Germanio Германий 게르마늄 (저마늄) Duǒ ゲルマニウム gerumaniumu germani
33 As Arsenic French arsenic, from Greek arsenikón 'yellow arsenic' (influenced by arsenikós, 'masculine' or 'virile'), from a West Asian wanderword ultimately from Old Iranian *zarniya-ka, 'golden' Ø metaloid p-block 74.9 Arsen Arsénico Arsenic Arsenico Мышьяк 비소 Shēn ヒ素 hiso asen
34 Se Selenium Greek selḗnē, 'moon ' 1817 metaloid p-block 79 Selen Selenio Sélénium Selenio Селен 셀레늄 (셀렌) セレン seren seleni
35 Br Bromine Greek brômos, 'stench ' 1826 halogen p-block 79.9 Brom Bromo Brome Bromo Бром 브로민 (브롬) Xiù 臭素 shuuso brom
36 Kr Krypton Greek kryptós, 'hidden ' 1898 noble gas p-block 83.8 Krypton Kriptón Krypton Kripton Криптон 크립톤 クリプトン kuriputon krypton
37 Rb Rubidium Latin rubidus, 'deep red ' 1861 alkali metal s-block 85.5 Rubidium Rubidio Rubidium Rubidio Рубидий 루비듐 ルビジウム rubijiumu rubidi
38 Sr Strontium Strontian, a village in Scotland, where it was found 1790 alkaline earth s-block 87.6 Strontium Estroncio Strontium Stronzio Стронций 스트논듐 (스트론튬) Sōng ストロンチウム sutoronchiumu stronti
39 Y Yttrium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also terbium, erbium, ytterbium 1794 transition metal d-block 88.9 Yttrium Ytrio Yttrium Ittrio Иттрий 이트륨 イットリウム ittoriumu ytri
40 Zr Zirconium Zircon, a mineral, from Persian zargun, 'gold-hued ' 1789 transition metal d-block 91.2 Zirconium Zirconio Zirconium Zirconio Цирконий 지르코늄 Gào ジルコニウム jirukoniumu zirconi
41 Nb Niobium Niobe, daughter of king Tantalus from Greek mythology; see also tantalum 1801 transition metal d-block 92.9 Niob Niobio Niobium Niobio Ниобий 나이오븀 (니오븀, 니오브) ニオブ niobu niobi
42 Mo Molybdenum Greek molýbdaina, 'piece of lead', from mólybdos, 'lead', due to confusion with lead ore galena (PbS) 1778 transition metal d-block 96 Molybdän Molibdeno Molybdène Molibdeno Молибден 몰리브덴 (몰리브덴넘) モリブデン moribuden molypden
43 Tc Technetium Greek tekhnētós, 'artificial ' 1937 transition metal d-block [97][a] Technetium Tecnecio Technétium Tecnezio Технеций 테크네튬 テクネチウム tekunechiumu tecneti
44 Ru Ruthenium New Latin Ruthenia, 'Russia ' 1844 transition metal d-block 101.1 Ruthenium Rutenio Ruthénium Rutenio Рутений 루테늄 Liǎo ルテニウム ruteniumu rutheni
45 Rh Rhodium Greek rhodóeis, 'rose-coloured', from rhódon, 'rose ' 1803 transition metal d-block 102.9 Rhodium Rodio Rhodium Rodio Родий 로듐 Lǎo ロジウム rojiumu rhodi
46 Pd Palladium Pallas, an asteroid 1803 transition metal d-block 106.4 Palladium Paladio Palladium Palladio Палладий 팔라듐 パラジウム parajiumu paladi
47 Ag Silver English word; Ag derives from Latin argentum Ø transition metal d-block 107.9 Silber (Argentum) Plata Argent Argento Серебро Yín gin bạc
48 Cd Cadmium New Latin cadmia, from King Kadmos 1817 transition metal d-block 112.4 Cadmium Cadmio Cadmium Cadmio Кадмий 카드뮴 カドミウム kadomiumu cadmi
49 In Indium Latin indicum, 'indigo', the blue colour found in its spectrum 1863 metal p-block 114.8 Indium Indio Indium Indio Индий 인듐 Yīn インジウム injiumu indi
50 Sn Tin English word; Sn derives from Latin stannum Ø metal p-block 118.7 Zinn (Stannum) Estaño Étain Stagno Олово 주석 スズ suzu thiếc
51 Sb Antimony Latin antimonium, of uncertain origin; perhaps from Greek antí ('against') + mónos ('alone'), or Old French anti-moine, 'Monk's bane', or possibly Latinized Arabic ʾiṯmid, 'antimony'; Sb derives from Latin stibium 'stibnite' Ø metaloid p-block 121.8 Antimon (Stibium) Antimonio Antimoine Antimonio Сурьма 안티모니 (안티몬) アンチモン / アンチモニー anchimon, anchimonii antimon (Stibi)
52 Te Tellurium Latin tellus, 'the ground, earth ' 1782 metaloid p-block 127.6 Tellur Telurio Tellure Tellurio Теллур 텔루륨 (텔루르) テルル teruru telu
53 I Iodine French iode, from Greek ioeidḗs, 'violet ' 1804 halogen p-block 126.9 Iod Yodo Iode Iodio Иод 아이오딘 (요오드) Diǎn ヨウ素 youso iod
54 Xe Xenon Greek xénon, neuter form of xénos 'strange ' 1898 noble gas p-block 131.3 Xenon Xenón Xénon Xenon Ксенон 크세논 (제논) Xiān キセノン kisenon xenon
55 Cs Caesium Latin caesius, 'sky-blue ' 1860 alkali metal s-block 132.9 Caesium Cesio Césium Cesio Цезий 세슘 セシウム seshiumu xêzi
56 Ba Barium Greek barýs, 'heavy ' 1808 alkaline earth s-block 137.3 Barium Bario Baryum Bario Барий 바륨 Bèi バリウム bariumu bari
57 La Lanthanum Greek lanthánein, 'to lie hidden ' 1839 transition metal f-block 138.9 Lanthan Lantano Lanthane Lantanio Лантан 란타넘 (란탄) Làn ランタン rantan lanthan
58 Ce Cerium Ceres, a dwarf planet, considered a planet at the time 1803 lantha­noid f-block 140.1 Cer Cerio Cérium Cerio Церий 세륨 Shì セリウム seriumu xeri
59 Pr Praseodymium Greek prásios dídymos, 'green twin ' 1885 lantha­noid f-block 140.9 Praseodym Praseodimio Praséodyme Praseodimio Празеодим 프라세오디뮴 プラセオジム puraseojimu praseođimi
60 Nd Neodymium Greek néos dídymos, 'new twin ' 1925 lantha­noid f-block 144.2 Neodym Neodimio Néodyme Neodimio Неодим 네오디뮴 ネオジム neojimu neođim
61 Pm Promethium Prometheus, a figure in Greek mythology 1945 lantha­noid f-block [145] Pro­methium Prometio Prométhium Promezio Прометий 프로메튬 プロメチウム puromechiumu prometi
62 Sm Samarium Samarskite, a mineral named after V. Samarsky-Bykhovets, Russian mine official 1879 lantha­noid f-block 150.4 Samarium Samario Samarium Samario Самарий 사마륨 Shàn サマリウム samariumu samari
63 Eu Europium Europe 1901 lantha­noid f-block 152 Europium Europio Europium Europio Европий 유로퓸 Yǒu ユウロピウム yuuropiumu europi
64 Gd Gadolinium Gadolinite, a mineral named after Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist, physicist and mineralogist 1880 lantha­noid f-block 157.3 Gadolinium Gadolinio Gadolinium Gadolinio Гадолиний 가돌리늄 Qiú ガドリニウム gadoriniumu gadolini
65 Tb Terbium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also yttrium, erbium, ytterbium 1843 lantha­noid f-block 158.9 Terbium Terbio Terbium Terbio Тербий 테르븀 (터븀) テルビウム terubiumu terbi
66 Dy Dysprosium Greek dysprósitos, 'hard to get ' 1886 lantha­noid f-block 162.5 Dysprosium Disprosio Dysprosium Disprosio Диспрозий 디스프로슘 ジスプロシウム jisupuroshiumu dysprosi
67 Ho Holmium New Latin Holmia, 'Stockholm ' 1878 lantha­noid f-block 164.9 Holmium Holmio Holmium Olmio Гольмий 홀뮴 Huǒ ホルミウム horumiumu holmi
68 Er Erbium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also yttrium, terbium, ytterbium 1843 lantha­noid f-block 167.3 Erbium Erbio Erbium Erbio Эрбий 에르븀 (어븀) Èr エルビウム erubiumu erbi
69 Tm Thulium Thule, the ancient name for an unclear northern location 1879 lantha­noid f-block 168.9 Thulium Tulio Thulium Tulio Тулий 툴륨 Diū ツリウム tsuriumu tuli
70 Yb Ytterbium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also yttrium, terbium, erbium 1878 lantha­noid f-block 173.1 Ytterbium Yterbio Ytterbium Itterbio Иттербий 이테르븀 (이터븀) イッテルビウム itterubiumu ytterbi
71 Lu Lutetium Latin Lutetia, 'Paris ' 1907 lantha­noid d-block 175 Lutetium Lutecio Lutécium Lutezio Лютеций 루테튬 ルテチウム rutechiumu luteti
72 Hf Hafnium New Latin Hafnia, 'Copenhagen' (from Danish havn, harbour) 1923 transition metal d-block 178.5 Hafnium Hafnio Hafnium Afnio Гафний 하프늄 Jiā ハフニウム hafuniumu hafni
73 Ta Tantalum King Tantalus, father of Niobe from Greek mythology; see also niobium 1802 transition metal d-block 181 Tantal Tantalio Tantale Tantalio Тантал 탄탈럼 (탄탈) Tǎn タンタル tantaru tantan
74 W Tungsten Swedish tung sten, 'heavy stone'; W derives from Wolfram, originally  Middle High German wolf-rahm 'wolf's foam' describing the mineral wolframite 1783 transition metal d-block 183.8 Wolfram Wolframio Tungstène Tungsteno Вольфрам 텅스텐 タングステン tangusuten wolfram
75 Re Rhenium Latin Rhenus, 'the Rhine ' 1925 transition metal d-block 186.2 Rhenium Renio Rhénium Renio Рений 레늄 Lái レニウム reniumu rheni
76 Os Osmium Greek osmḗ, 'smell ' 1804 transition metal d-block 190.2 Osmium Osmio Osmium Osmio Осмий 오스뮴 Tiě オスミウム osumiumu osmi
77 Ir Iridium Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow 1804 transition metal d-block 192.2 Iridium Iridio Iridium Iridio Иридий 이리듐 イリジウム irijiumu iridi
78 Pt Platinum Spanish platina, 'little silver', from plata 'silver ' 1735 transition metal d-block 195.1 Platin Platino Platine Platino Платина 백금 白金 hakkin bạch kim
79 Au Gold English word; Au derives from Latin aurum Ø transition metal d-block 197 Gold (Aurum) Oro Or Oro Золото Jīn kin vàng
80 Hg Mercury Mercury, Roman god of commerce, communication, and luck, known for speed and mobility; Hg derives from Latin hydrargyrum, from Greek hydrárgyros, 'water-silver' Ø transition metal d-block 200.6 Quecksilber (Hydrar­gyrum) Mercurio Mercure Mercurio Ртуть 수은 Gǒng 水銀 suigin thủy ngân
81 Tl Thallium Greek thallós, 'green shoot or twig ' 1861 metal p-block 204.4 Thallium Talio Thallium Tallio Таллий 탈륨 Shī タリウム tariumu tali
82 Pb Lead English word; Pb derives from Latin plumbum Ø metal p-block 207.2 Blei (Plumbum) Plomo Plomb Piombo Свинец Qiān namari chì
83 Bi Bismuth German Wismut, from weiß Masse 'white mass', unless from Arabic Ø metal p-block 209 Bismut (also Wismut) Bismuto Bismuth Bismuto Висмут 비스무트 ビスマス bisumusu bismuth
84 Po Polonium Latin Polonia, 'Poland', home country of Marie Curie 1898 metal p-block [209][a] Polonium Polonio Polonium Polonio Полоний 폴로늄 ポロニウム poroniumu poloni
85 At Astatine Greek ástatos, 'unstable ' 1940 halogen p-block [210] Astat Astato Astate Astato Астат 아스타틴 Ài アスタチン asutachin astatin
86 Rn Radon Radium emanation, originally the name of the isotope Radon-222 1898 noble gas p-block [222] Radon Radón Radon Radon Радон 라돈 Dōng ラドン radon radon
87 Fr Francium France, home country of discoverer Marguerite Perey 1939 alkali metal s-block [223] Francium Francio Francium Francio Франций 프랑슘 Fāng フランシウム furanshiumu franci
88 Ra Radium French radium, from Latin radius, 'ray ' 1898 alkaline earth s-block [226] Radium Radio Radium Radio Радий 라듐 Léi ラジウム rajiumu radi
89 Ac Actinium Greek aktís, 'ray ' 1899 actinoid f-block [227] Actinium Actinio Actinium Attinio Актиний 악티늄 アクチニウム akuchiniumu actini
90 Th Thorium Thor, Scandinavian god of thunder 1828 actinoid f-block 232 Thorium Torio Thorium Torio Торий 토륨 トリウム toriumu thori
91 Pa Protactinium Proto- (from Greek prôtos, 'first, before') + actinium, since actinium is produced through the radioactive decay of protactinium 1917 actinoid f-block 231 Protac­tinium Protactinio Protactinium Protoattinio Протактиний 프로트악티늄 (프로탁티늄) プロトアクチニウム purotoakuchiniumu protactini
92 U Uranium Uranus, the seventh planet 1789 actinoid f-block 238 Uran Uranio Uranium Uranio Уран 우라늄 Yóu ウラン uran urani
93 Np Neptunium Neptune, the eighth planet 1940 actinoid f-block [237] Neptunium Neptunio Neptunium Nettunio Нептуний 넵투늄 Nài ネプツニウム neputsuniumu neptuni
94 Pu Plutonium Pluto, a dwarf planet 1940 actinoid f-block [244] Plutonium Plutonio Plutonium Plutonio Плутоний 플루토늄 プルトニウム purutoniumu plutoni
95 Am Americium The Americas, where the element was first synthesised, by analogy with its homologue europium 1945 actinoid f-block [243] Americium Americio Américium Americio Америций 아메리슘 アメリシウム amerishiumu americi
96 Cm Curium Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, French physicists and chemists 1944 actinoid f-block [247] Curium Curio Curium Curio Кюрий 퀴륨 キュリウム kyuriumu curi
97 Bk Berkelium Berkeley, California, where the element was first synthesised 1949 actinoid f-block [247] Berkelium Berkelio Berkélium Berkelio Берклий 버클륨 Péi バークリウム bākuriumu berkeli
98 Cf Californium California, where the element was first synthesised in the LBNL laboratory 1950 actinoid f-block [251] Californium Californio Californium Californio Калифорний 칼리포르늄 (칼리포늄) カリホルニウム karihoruniumu californi
99 Es Einsteinium Albert Einstein, German physicist 1952 actinoid f-block [252] Einsteinium Einsteinio Einsteinium Einsteinio Эйнштейний 아인시타이늄 (아인슈타이늄) Ài アインスタイニウム ainsutainiumu einsteini
100 Fm Fermium Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist 1953 actinoid f-block [257] Fermium Fermio Fermium Fermio Фермий 페르뮴 Fèi フェルミウム ferumiumu fermi
101 Md Mendelevium Dmitri Mendeleev, Russian chemist who proposed the periodic table 1955 actinoid f-block [258] Mende­levium Mendelevio Mendélévium Mendelevio Менделевий 멘델레븀 Mén メンデレビウム menderebiumu mendelevi
102 No Nobelium Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist and engineer 1957 actinoid f-block [259] Nobelium Nobelio Nobélium Nobelio Нобелий 노벨륨 Tiǎn ノーベリウム nōberiumu nobeli
103 Lr Lawrencium Ernest Lawrence, American physicist 1961 actinoid d-block [266] Lawren­cium Laurencio Lawrencium Laurenzio Лоуренсий 로렌슘 Láo ローレンシウム rōrenshiumu lawrenci
104 Rf Rutherfordium Ernest Rutherford, chemist and physicist from New Zealand 1970 transition metal d-block [267] Ruther­fordium Rutherfordio Rutherfordium Rutherfordio Резерфордий 러더포듐 𬬻 ラザホージウム razahōjiumu rutherfordi
105 Db Dubnium Dubna, Russia, where the element was discovered in the JINR laboratory 1974 transition metal d-block [268] Dubnium Dubnio Dubnium Dubnio Дубний 더브늄 𬭊 𨧀 ドブニウム dobuniumu dubni
106 Sg Seaborgium Glenn T. Seaborg, American chemist 1976 transition metal d-block [269] Seaborgium Seaborgio Seaborgium Seaborgio Сиборгий 새보쥼 𬭳 𨭎 シーボーギウム shībōgiumu seaborgi
107 Bh Bohrium Niels Bohr, Danish physicist 1984 transition metal d-block [270] Bohrium Bohrio Bohrium Bohrio Борий 보륨 𬭛 𨨏 ボーリウム bōriumu bohri
108 Hs Hassium New Latin Hassia, 'Hesse', a state in Germany 1982 transition metal d-block [269] Hassium Hassio Hassium Hassio Хассий 하슘 𬭶 𨭆 Hēi ハッシウム hasshiumu hassi
109 Mt Meitnerium Lise Meitner, Austrian physicist 1987 synthetic d-block [278] Meitnerium Meitnerio Meitnérium Meitnerio Мейтнерий 마이트너륨 Mài マイトネリウム maitoneriumu meitneri
110 Ds Darmstadtium Darmstadt, Germany, where the element was first synthesised in the GSI laboratories 1994 synthetic d-block [281] Darm­stadtium Darmstadtio Darmstadtium Darmstadtio Дармштадтий 다름슈타튬 𫟼 ダームスタチウム dāmusutachiumu darmstadti
111 Rg Roentgenium Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, German physicist 1996 synthetic d-block [282] Roent­genium Roentgenio Roentgenium Roentgenio Рентгений 뢴트게늄 𬬭 Lún レントゲニウム rentogeniumu roentgeni
112 Cn Copernicium Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer 1996 synthetic d-block [285] Coper­nicium Copernicio Copernicium Copernicio Коперниций 코페르니슘 コペルニシウム koperunishiumu .
113 Nh Nihonium Japanese Nihon, 'Japan', where the element was first synthesised in the Riken laboratories 2004 synthetic p-block [286] Nihonium Nihonio Nihonium Nihonio Нихоний 우눈트륨 ニホニウム nihoniumu .
114 Fl Flerovium Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, part of JINR, where the element was synthesised; itself named after Georgy Flyorov, Russian physicist 1998 synthetic p-block [289] Flerovium Flerovio Flérovium Flerovio Флеровий 플레로븀 𫓧 フレロビウム furerobiumu .
115 Mc Moscovium Moscow, Russia, where the element was first synthesised in the JINR laboratories 2003 synthetic p-block [290] Moscovium Moscovio Moscovium Moscovio Московий 우눈펜튬 モスコビウム mosukobiumu .
116 Lv Livermorium Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California 2000 synthetic p-block [293] Liver­morium Livermorio Livermorium Livermorio Ливерморий 리버모륨 𫟷 リバモリウム ribamoriumu .
117 Ts Tennessine Tennessee, United States, where Oak Ridge National Laboratory is located 2009 synthetic p-block [294] Tenness Teneso Tennesse Tennesso Теннессин 우눈셉튬 (石)田 (石)田 (Shí) tián テネシン teneshin .
118 Og Oganesson Yuri Oganessian, Russian physicist 2002 synthetic p-block [294] Oganesson Oganesón Oganesson Oganesson Оганесон 우누녹튬 (气)奧 (气)奧 (Qì) ào オガネソン oganeson .