Chemical elements

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The following is a list of the 118 chemical elements of the periodic table[1], with English names, brief etymologies, and equivalents in other languages. This chart includes the following information and languages:

  • etymology
  • atomic weight
  • its element's block on the periodic table (based on electron shell configurations)
  • general grouping or classificatio
  • year of discovery (Ø = knonw since ancient times)
  • European languages: German, French, Italian, Russian
  • Korean
  • simplified and traditional Chinese characters (簡体字 jiantizi, simplified characters, and 繁体字 fantizi, complex or traditional characters), and Chinese pinyin romanization
  • Japanese names (most of which are in kana), and the Japanese pronuniciation via romanization
  • Vietnamese (other Southeast Asian languages were unavailable for the entire periodic chart)

# sym name etymology disc. group bl. wt. German Spanish French Italian Russian Korean 簡体字 繁体字 pinyin Japanese Jp pron. Viet.
1 H Hydrogen Greek hydro-+-gen, 'water-forming ' 1766 non-metal s 1 Wasserstoff (Hydro­genium) Hidrógeno Hydrogène Idrogeno Водород 수소 Qīng 水素 suiso hydro
2 He Helium Greek hḗlios, 'sun ' 1895 noble gas s 4 Helium Helio Hélium Elio Гелий 헬륨 Hài ヘリウム heriumu heli
3 Li Lithium Greek líthos, 'stone ' 1817 alkali metal s 6.9 Lithium Litio Lithium Litio Литий 리튬 リチウム riteumu lithi
4 Be Beryllium Beryl, a mineral (>  Belur, India) 1798 alkaline earth s 9 Beryllium Berilio Béryllium Berillio Бериллий 베릴륨 ベリリウム beririumu beryli
5 B Boron Borax, a mineral (> Arabic bawraq) 1808 metaloid p 10.8 Bor Boro Bore Boro Бор 붕소 Péng ホウ素 houso bo
6 C Carbon Latin carbo, 'coal' Ø non-metal p 12 Kohlenstoff (Car­bonium) Carbono Carbone Carbonio Углерод 탄소 Tàn 炭素 tanso cacbon
7 N Nitrogen Greek nítron + -gen, 'niter-forming ' 1772 non-metal p 14 Stickstoff (Nitro­genium) Nitrógeno Azote Azoto Азот 질소 Dàn 窒素 chisso nitơ
8 O Oxygen Greek oxy-+-gen, 'acid-forming ' 1774 non-metal p 16 Sauerstoff (Oxy­genium) Oxígeno Oxygène Ossigeno Кислород 산소 Yǎng 酸素 sanso oxy
9 F Fluorine Latin fluere, 'to flow ' 1886 halogen p 19 Fluor Flúor Fluor Fluoro Фтор 플루오린 フッ素 fusso fluor
10 Ne Neon Greek néon, 'new ' 1898 noble gas p 20.2 Neon Neón Néon Neon Неон 네온 Nǎi ネオン neon neon
11 Na Sodium English > Latin soda; Na > New Latin natrium> German Natron, 'natron ' 1807 alkali metal s 23 Natrium Sodio Sodium Sodio Натрий 나트륨 (소듐) ナトリウム natoriumu natri
12 Mg Magnesium Magnesia, district of Eastern Thessaly, Greece 1808 alkaline earth s 24.3 Magnesium Magnesio Magnésium Magnesio Магний 마그네슘 Měi マグネシウム maguneshiumu magiê
13 Al Aluminum Alumina> Latin alumen (gen. aluminis), 'bitter salt, alum ' 1825 metal p 27 Aluminium Aluminio Aluminium Alluminio Алюминий 알루미늄 アルミニウム aruminiumu nhôm
14 Si Silicon Latin silex, 'flint' (originally silicium) 1823 metaloid p 28.1 Silicium Silicio Silicium Silicio Кремний 규소 Guī ケイ素 keiso silic
15 P Phosphorus Greek phōsphóros, 'light-bearing ' 1669 non-metal p 31 Phosphor Fósforo Phosphore Fosforo Фосфор Lín リン rin phosphor
16 S Sulfur Latin sulphur, 'brimstone' Ø non-metal p 32.1 Schwefel (Sulphur) Azufre Soufre Zolfo Сера Liú 硫黄 iou lưu huỳnh
17 Cl Chlorine Greek chlōrós, 'greenish yellow ' 1774 halogen p 35.5 Chlor Cloro Chlore Cloro Хлор 염소 塩素 enso clo
18 Ar Argon Greek argós, 'idle' (due to its inertness) 1894 noble gas p 40 Argon Argón Argon Argon Аргон 아르곤 アルゴン arugon agon
19 K Potassium New Latin potassa, 'potash'> pot + ash; K > Latin kalium 1807 alkali metal s 39.1 Kalium Potasio Potassium Potassio Калий 칼륨 (포타슘) Jiǎ カリウム kariumu kali
20 Ca Calcium Latin calx, 'lime ' 1808 alkaline earth s 40.1 Calcium Calcio Calcium Calcio Кальций 칼슘 Gài カルシウム karushiumu calci
21 Sc Scandium Latin Scandia, 'Scandinavia ' 1879 transition metal d 45 Scandium Escandio Scandium Scandio Скандий 스칸듐 Kàng スカンジウム sukanjiumu scandi
22 Ti Titanium Titans, sons of Earth goddess in Greek mythology 1791 transition metal d 47.9 Titan Titanio Titane Titanio Титан 타이타늄 (타타늄, 타탄) Tài チタン chitan titan
23 V Vanadium Vanadis, an Old Norse name for Scandinavian goddess Freyja 1830 transition metal d 50.9 Vanadium Vanadio Vanadium Vanadio Ванадий 바나듐 Fǎn バナジウム banajiumu vanadi
24 Cr Chromium Greek chróma, 'colour ' 1797 transition metal d 52 Chrom Cromo Chrome Cromo Хром 크로뮴 (크롬) Luò クロム kuromu crom
25 Mn Manganese Corrupted fr. magnesia negra; see magnesium 1774 transition metal d 54.9 Mangan Manganeso Manganèse Manganese Марганец 망가니즈 (망간) Měng マンガン mangan mangan
26 Fe Iron English word; Fe > Latin ferrum Ø transition metal d 55.8 Eisen (Ferrum) Hierro Fer Ferro Железо Tiě tetsu sắt
27 Co Cobalt German Kobold, 'goblin ' 1737 transition metal d 58.9 Cobalt Cobalto Cobalt Cobalto Кобальт 코발트 コバルト kobaruto coban
28 Ni Nickel Nickel, a mischievous sprite of German miner mythology 1751 transition metal d 58.7 Nickel Níquel Nickel Nichel Никель 니켈 Niè ニッケル nikkeru niken
29 Cu Copper English word> Latin cuprum> Ancient Greek Kýpros 'Cyprus' Ø transition metal d 63.5 Kupfer (Cuprum) Cobre Cuivre Rame Медь 구리 Tóng dou đồng
30 Zn Zinc Most likely > German Zinke, 'prong' or 'tooth', or Persian sang, 'stone ' 1746 transition metal d 65.4 Zink Zinc Zinc Zinco Цинк 아연 Xīn 亜鉛 aen kẽm
31 Ga Gallium Latin Gallia, 'France ' 1875 metal p 69.7 Gallium Galio Gallium Gallio Галлий 갈륨 Jiā ガリウム gariumu galli
32 Ge Germanium Latin Germania, 'Germany ' 1886 metaloid p 72.6 Germanium Germanio Germanium Germanio Германий 게르마늄 (저마늄) Duǒ ゲルマニウム gerumaniumu germani
33 As Arsenic French arsenic> Greek arsenikón 'yellow arsenic', ultimately > Old Iranian *zarniya-ka, 'golden' Ø metaloid p 74.9 Arsen Arsénico Arsenic Arsenico Мышьяк 비소 Shēn ヒ素 hiso asen
34 Se Selenium Greek selḗnē, 'moon ' 1817 metaloid p 79 Selen Selenio Sélénium Selenio Селен 셀레늄 (셀렌) セレン seren seleni
35 Br Bromine Greek brômos, 'stench ' 1826 halogen p 79.9 Brom Bromo Brome Bromo Бром 브로민 (브롬) Xiù 臭素 shuuso brom
36 Kr Krypton Greek kryptós, 'hidden ' 1898 noble gas p 83.8 Krypton Kriptón Krypton Kripton Криптон 크립톤 クリプトン kuriputon krypton
37 Rb Rubidium Latin rubidus, 'deep red ' 1861 alkali metal s 85.5 Rubidium Rubidio Rubidium Rubidio Рубидий 루비듐 ルビジウム rubijiumu rubidi
38 Sr Strontium Strontian, a village in Scotland, where it was found 1790 alkaline earth s 87.6 Strontium Estroncio Strontium Stronzio Стронций 스트논듐 (스트론튬) Sōng ストロンチウム sutoronchiumu stronti
39 Y Yttrium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also terbium, erbium, ytterbium 1794 transition metal d 88.9 Yttrium Ytrio Yttrium Ittrio Иттрий 이트륨 イットリウム ittoriumu ytri
40 Zr Zirconium Zircon, a mineral> Persian zargun, 'gold-hued ' 1789 transition metal d 91.2 Zirconium Zirconio Zirconium Zirconio Цирконий 지르코늄 Gào ジルコニウム jirukoniumu zirconi
41 Nb Niobium Niobe, daughter of king Tantalus > Greek mythology; see also tantalum 1801 transition metal d 92.9 Niob Niobio Niobium Niobio Ниобий 나이오븀 (니오븀, 니오브) ニオブ niobu niobi
42 Mo Molybdenum Greek molýbdaina, 'piece of lead'> mólybdos, 'lead', due to confusion with lead ore galena (PbS) 1778 transition metal d 96 Molybdän Molibdeno Molybdène Molibdeno Молибден 몰리브덴 (몰리브덴넘) モリブデン moribuden molypden
43 Tc Technetium Greek tekhnētós, 'artificial ' 1937 transition metal d [97][a] Technetium Tecnecio Technétium Tecnezio Технеций 테크네튬 テクネチウム tekunechiumu tecneti
44 Ru Ruthenium New Latin Ruthenia, 'Russia ' 1844 transition metal d 101.1 Ruthenium Rutenio Ruthénium Rutenio Рутений 루테늄 Liǎo ルテニウム ruteniumu rutheni
45 Rh Rhodium Greek rhodóeis, 'rose-coloured'> rhódon, 'rose ' 1803 transition metal d 102.9 Rhodium Rodio Rhodium Rodio Родий 로듐 Lǎo ロジウム rojiumu rhodi
46 Pd Palladium Pallas, an asteroid 1803 transition metal d 106.4 Palladium Paladio Palladium Palladio Палладий 팔라듐 パラジウム parajiumu paladi
47 Ag Silver English word; Ag > Latin argentum Ø transition metal d 107.9 Silber (Argentum) Plata Argent Argento Серебро Yín gin bạc
48 Cd Cadmium New Latin cadmia> King Kadmos 1817 transition metal d 112.4 Cadmium Cadmio Cadmium Cadmio Кадмий 카드뮴 カドミウム kadomiumu cadmi
49 In Indium Latin indicum, 'indigo', the blue colour found in its spectrum 1863 metal p 114.8 Indium Indio Indium Indio Индий 인듐 Yīn インジウム injiumu indi
50 Sn Tin English word; Sn > Latin stannum Ø metal p 118.7 Zinn (Stannum) Estaño Étain Stagno Олово 주석 スズ suzu thiếc
51 Sb Antimony Latin antimonium, of uncertain origin[2]; Sb > Latin stibium 'stibnite' Ø metaloid p 121.8 Antimon (Stibium) Antimonio Antimoine Antimonio Сурьма 안티모니 (안티몬) アンチモン / アンチモニー anchimon, anchimonii antimon (Stibi)
52 Te Tellurium Latin tellus, 'the ground, earth ' 1782 metaloid p 127.6 Tellur Telurio Tellure Tellurio Теллур 텔루륨 (텔루르) テルル teruru telu
53 I Iodine French iode> Greek ioeidḗs, 'violet ' 1804 halogen p 126.9 Iod Yodo Iode Iodio Иод 아이오딘 (요오드) Diǎn ヨウ素 youso iod
54 Xe Xenon Greek xénon, neuter form of xénos 'strange ' 1898 noble gas p 131.3 Xenon Xenón Xénon Xenon Ксенон 크세논 (제논) Xiān キセノン kisenon xenon
55 Cs Caesium Latin caesius, 'sky-blue ' 1860 alkali metal s 132.9 Caesium Cesio Césium Cesio Цезий 세슘 セシウム seshiumu xêzi
56 Ba Barium Greek barýs, 'heavy ' 1808 alkaline earth s 137.3 Barium Bario Baryum Bario Барий 바륨 Bèi バリウム bariumu bari
57 La Lanthanum Greek lanthánein, 'to lie hidden ' 1839 transition metal f 138.9 Lanthan Lantano Lanthane Lantanio Лантан 란타넘 (란탄) Làn ランタン rantan lanthan
58 Ce Cerium Ceres, a dwarf planet, considered a planet at the time 1803 lantha­noid f 140.1 Cer Cerio Cérium Cerio Церий 세륨 Shì セリウム seriumu xeri
59 Pr Praseodymium Greek prásios dídymos, 'green twin ' 1885 lantha­noid f 140.9 Praseodym Praseodimio Praséodyme Praseodimio Празеодим 프라세오디뮴 プラセオジム puraseojimu praseođimi
60 Nd Neodymium Greek néos dídymos, 'new twin ' 1925 lantha­noid f 144.2 Neodym Neodimio Néodyme Neodimio Неодим 네오디뮴 ネオジム neojimu neođim
61 Pm Promethium Prometheus, a figure in Greek mythology 1945 lantha­noid f [145] Pro­methium Prometio Prométhium Promezio Прометий 프로메튬 プロメチウム puromechiumu prometi
62 Sm Samarium Samarskite, a mineral named after V. Samarsky-Bykhovets, Russian mine official 1879 lantha­noid f 150.4 Samarium Samario Samarium Samario Самарий 사마륨 Shàn サマリウム samariumu samari
63 Eu Europium Europe 1901 lantha­noid f 152 Europium Europio Europium Europio Европий 유로퓸 Yǒu ユウロピウム yuuropiumu europi
64 Gd Gadolinium Gadolinite, a mineral named after Johan Gadolin, Finnish chemist, physicist and mineralogist 1880 lantha­noid f 157.3 Gadolinium Gadolinio Gadolinium Gadolinio Гадолиний 가돌리늄 Qiú ガドリニウム gadoriniumu gadolini
65 Tb Terbium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also yttrium, erbium, ytterbium 1843 lantha­noid f 158.9 Terbium Terbio Terbium Terbio Тербий 테르븀 (터븀) テルビウム terubiumu terbi
66 Dy Dysprosium Greek dysprósitos, 'hard to get ' 1886 lantha­noid f 162.5 Dysprosium Disprosio Dysprosium Disprosio Диспрозий 디스프로슘 ジスプロシウム jisupuroshiumu dysprosi
67 Ho Holmium New Latin Holmia, 'Stockholm ' 1878 lantha­noid f 164.9 Holmium Holmio Holmium Olmio Гольмий 홀뮴 Huǒ ホルミウム horumiumu holmi
68 Er Erbium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also yttrium, terbium, ytterbium 1843 lantha­noid f 167.3 Erbium Erbio Erbium Erbio Эрбий 에르븀 (어븀) Èr エルビウム erubiumu erbi
69 Tm Thulium Thule, the ancient name for an unclear northern location 1879 lantha­noid f 168.9 Thulium Tulio Thulium Tulio Тулий 툴륨 Diū ツリウム tsuriumu tuli
70 Yb Ytterbium Ytterby, Sweden, where it was found; see also yttrium, terbium, erbium 1878 lantha­noid f 173.1 Ytterbium Yterbio Ytterbium Itterbio Иттербий 이테르븀 (이터븀) イッテルビウム itterubiumu ytterbi
71 Lu Lutetium Latin Lutetia, 'Paris ' 1907 lantha­noid d 175 Lutetium Lutecio Lutécium Lutezio Лютеций 루테튬 ルテチウム rutechiumu luteti
72 Hf Hafnium New Latin Hafnia, 'Copenhagen' > Danish havn, harbour 1923 transition metal d 178.5 Hafnium Hafnio Hafnium Afnio Гафний 하프늄 Jiā ハフニウム hafuniumu hafni
73 Ta Tantalum King Tantalus, father of Niobe > Greek mythology; see also niobium 1802 transition metal d 181 Tantal Tantalio Tantale Tantalio Тантал 탄탈럼 (탄탈) Tǎn タンタル tantaru tantan
74 W Tungsten Swedish tung sten, 'heavy stone'; W > Wolfram, originally  Middle High German wolf-rahm 'wolf's foam' describing the mineral wolframite 1783 transition metal d 183.8 Wolfram Wolframio Tungstène Tungsteno Вольфрам 텅스텐 タングステン tangusuten wolfram
75 Re Rhenium Latin Rhenus, 'the Rhine ' 1925 transition metal d 186.2 Rhenium Renio Rhénium Renio Рений 레늄 Lái レニウム reniumu rheni
76 Os Osmium Greek osmḗ, 'smell ' 1804 transition metal d 190.2 Osmium Osmio Osmium Osmio Осмий 오스뮴 Tiě オスミウム osumiumu osmi
77 Ir Iridium Iris, the Greek goddess of the rainbow 1804 transition metal d 192.2 Iridium Iridio Iridium Iridio Иридий 이리듐 イリジウム irijiumu iridi
78 Pt Platinum Spanish platina, 'little silver'> plata 'silver ' 1735 transition metal d 195.1 Platin Platino Platine Platino Платина 백금 白金 hakkin bạch kim
79 Au Gold English word; Au > Latin aurum Ø transition metal d 197 Gold (Aurum) Oro Or Oro Золото Jīn kin vàng
80 Hg Mercury Mercury, Roman god of commerce & communication, known for speed and mobility; Hg > Latin hydrargyrum> Greek hydrárgyros, 'water-silver' Ø transition metal d 200.6 Quecksilber (Hydrar­gyrum) Mercurio Mercure Mercurio Ртуть 수은 Gǒng 水銀 suigin thủy ngân
81 Tl Thallium Greek thallós, 'green shoot or twig ' 1861 metal p 204.4 Thallium Talio Thallium Tallio Таллий 탈륨 Shī タリウム tariumu tali
82 Pb Lead English word; Pb > Latin plumbum Ø metal p 207.2 Blei (Plumbum) Plomo Plomb Piombo Свинец Qiān namari chì
83 Bi Bismuth German Wismut> weiß Masse 'white mass', or > Arabic Ø metal p 209 Bismut (also Wismut) Bismuto Bismuth Bismuto Висмут 비스무트 ビスマス bisumusu bismuth
84 Po Polonium Latin Polonia, 'Poland', home country of Marie Curie 1898 metal p [209][a] Polonium Polonio Polonium Polonio Полоний 폴로늄 ポロニウム poroniumu poloni
85 At Astatine Greek ástatos, 'unstable ' 1940 halogen p [210] Astat Astato Astate Astato Астат 아스타틴 Ài アスタチン asutachin astatin
86 Rn Radon Radium emanation, originally the name of the isotope Radon-222 1898 noble gas p [222] Radon Radón Radon Radon Радон 라돈 Dōng ラドン radon radon
87 Fr Francium France, home country of discoverer Marguerite Perey 1939 alkali metal s [223] Francium Francio Francium Francio Франций 프랑슘 Fāng フランシウム furanshiumu franci
88 Ra Radium French radium> Latin radius, 'ray ' 1898 alkaline earth s [226] Radium Radio Radium Radio Радий 라듐 Léi ラジウム rajiumu radi
89 Ac Actinium Greek aktís, 'ray ' 1899 actinoid f [227] Actinium Actinio Actinium Attinio Актиний 악티늄 アクチニウム akuchiniumu actini
90 Th Thorium Thor, Scandinavian god of thunder 1828 actinoid f 232 Thorium Torio Thorium Torio Торий 토륨 トリウム toriumu thori
91 Pa Protactinium Proto- > Greek prôtos, 'first, before' + actinium, as actinium is produced by radioactive decay of protactinium 1917 actinoid f 231 Protac­tinium Protactinio Protactinium Protoattinio Протактиний 프로트악티늄 (프로탁티늄) プロトアクチニウム purotoakuchiniumu protactini
92 U Uranium Uranus, the seventh planet 1789 actinoid f 238 Uran Uranio Uranium Uranio Уран 우라늄 Yóu ウラン uran urani
93 Np Neptunium Neptune, the eighth planet 1940 actinoid f [237] Neptunium Neptunio Neptunium Nettunio Нептуний 넵투늄 Nài ネプツニウム neputsuniumu neptuni
94 Pu Plutonium Pluto, a dwarf planet 1940 actinoid f [244] Plutonium Plutonio Plutonium Plutonio Плутоний 플루토늄 プルトニウム purutoniumu plutoni
95 Am Americium The Americas, where the element was first synthesised, by analogy with its homologue europium 1945 actinoid f [243] Americium Americio Américium Americio Америций 아메리슘 アメリシウム amerishiumu americi
96 Cm Curium Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, French physicists and chemists 1944 actinoid f [247] Curium Curio Curium Curio Кюрий 퀴륨 キュリウム kyuriumu curi
97 Bk Berkelium Berkeley, California, where the element was first synthesised 1949 actinoid f [247] Berkelium Berkelio Berkélium Berkelio Берклий 버클륨 Péi バークリウム bākuriumu berkeli
98 Cf Californium California, where the element was first synthesised in the LBNL laboratory 1950 actinoid f [251] Californium Californio Californium Californio Калифорний 칼리포르늄 (칼리포늄) カリホルニウム karihoruniumu californi
99 Es Einsteinium Albert Einstein, German physicist 1952 actinoid f [252] Einsteinium Einsteinio Einsteinium Einsteinio Эйнштейний 아인시타이늄 (아인슈타이늄) Ài アインスタイニウム ainsutainiumu einsteini
100 Fm Fermium Enrico Fermi, Italian physicist 1953 actinoid f [257] Fermium Fermio Fermium Fermio Фермий 페르뮴 Fèi フェルミウム ferumiumu fermi
101 Md Mendelevium Dmitri Mendeleev, Russian chemist who proposed the periodic table 1955 actinoid f [258] Mende­levium Mendelevio Mendélévium Mendelevio Менделевий 멘델레븀 Mén メンデレビウム menderebiumu mendelevi
102 No Nobelium Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist and engineer 1957 actinoid f [259] Nobelium Nobelio Nobélium Nobelio Нобелий 노벨륨 Tiǎn ノーベリウム nōberiumu nobeli
103 Lr Lawrencium Ernest Lawrence, American physicist 1961 actinoid d [266] Lawren­cium Laurencio Lawrencium Laurenzio Лоуренсий 로렌슘 Láo ローレンシウム rōrenshiumu lawrenci
104 Rf Rutherfordium Ernest Rutherford, New Zealnd chemist & physicist 1970 transition metal d [267] Ruther­fordium Rutherfordio Rutherfordium Rutherfordio Резерфордий 러더포듐 𬬻 ラザホージウム razahōjiumu rutherfordi
105 Db Dubnium Dubna, Russia, where it was discovered in the JINR laboratory 1974 transition metal d [268] Dubnium Dubnio Dubnium Dubnio Дубний 더브늄 𬭊 𨧀 ドブニウム dobuniumu dubni
106 Sg Seaborgium Glenn T. Seaborg, American chemist 1976 transition metal d [269] Seaborgium Seaborgio Seaborgium Seaborgio Сиборгий 새보쥼 𬭳 𨭎 シーボーギウム shībōgiumu seaborgi
107 Bh Bohrium Niels Bohr, Danish physicist 1984 transition metal d [270] Bohrium Bohrio Bohrium Bohrio Борий 보륨 𬭛 𨨏 ボーリウム bōriumu bohri
108 Hs Hassium New Latin Hassia, 'Hesse', German province 1982 transition metal d [269] Hassium Hassio Hassium Hassio Хассий 하슘 𬭶 𨭆 Hēi ハッシウム hasshiumu hassi
109 Mt Meitnerium Lise Meitner, Austrian physicist 1987 synthetic d [278] Meitnerium Meitnerio Meitnérium Meitnerio Мейтнерий 마이트너륨 Mài マイトネリウム maitoneriumu meitneri
110 Ds Darmstadtium Darmstadt, Germany, where the element was first synthesised in the GSI laboratories 1994 synthetic d [281] Darm­stadtium Darmstadtio Darmstadtium Darmstadtio Дармштадтий 다름슈타튬 𫟼 ダームスタチウム dāmusutachiumu darmstadti
111 Rg Roentgenium Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, German physicist 1996 synthetic d [282] Roent­genium Roentgenio Roentgenium Roentgenio Рентгений 뢴트게늄 𬬭 Lún レントゲニウム rentogeniumu roentgeni
112 Cn Copernicium Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer 1996 synthetic d [285] Coper­nicium Copernicio Copernicium Copernicio Коперниций 코페르니슘 コペルニシウム koperunishiumu .
113 Nh Nihonium Japanese Nihon, 'Japan', where the element was first synthesised in the Riken laboratories 2004 synthetic p [286] Nihonium Nihonio Nihonium Nihonio Нихоний 니호늄 ニホニウム nihoniumu .
114 Fl Flerovium Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, part of JINR, where the element was synthesised; itself named after Georgy Flyorov, Russian physicist 1998 synthetic p [289] Flerovium Flerovio Flérovium Flerovio Флеровий 플레로븀 𫓧 フレロビウム furerobiumu .
115 Mc Moscovium Moscow, Russia, where the element was first synthesised in the JINR laboratories 2003 synthetic p [290] Moscovium Moscovio Moscovium Moscovio Московий 모스코비움 モスコビウム mosukobiumu .
116 Lv Livermorium Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California 2000 synthetic p [293] Liver­morium Livermorio Livermorium Livermorio Ливерморий 리버모륨 𫟷 リバモリウム ribamoriumu .
117 Ts Tennessine Tennessee, United States, where Oak Ridge National Laboratory is located 2009 synthetic p [294] Tenness Teneso Tennesse Tennesso Теннессин 테네신 (石)田 (石)田 (Shí) tián テネシン teneshin .
118 Og Oganesson Yuri Oganessian, Russian physicist 2002 synthetic p [294] Oganesson Oganesón Oganesson Oganesson Оганесон 우누녹튬 (气)奧 (气)奧 (Qì) ào オガネソン oganeson .
  2. Antimony: perhaps > Greek antí ('against') + mónos ('alone'), or Old French anti-moine, 'Monk's bane', or possibly Latinized Arabic ʾiṯmid, 'antimony'