EMI series (CTL)

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EMI series: Graduate student professional development program (CTL, Korea University)

EMI refers to English medium instruction, and this program is designed to prepare graduate students for future teaching careers, including teaching in English.

Note: This program / series has ended, as of June 2014. I will not be conducting this program, as I have moved to a different department, the IFLS (Foreign Language Studies). Students and others are welcome to use these materials for their own benefit.


1 Introduction

The Center for Teaching & Learning is offering a series of seminars for graduate students, to prepare them for an academic future in English - particularly one that might involve teaching in English, that is, English mediated instruction. The weekly seminars will usually take place every Friday at 2pm, starting 15 March. All graduate students may attend the seminars, as well as part-time and full-time adjuncts (강사).

The CTL will also offer a certificate to graduate students those who complete some extra requirements, the . The certificate program will be helpful for those seeking jobs or study programs that involve teaching in English. (Note: This is not a teaching certificate, but a certificate of program completion for professional development.) For the certificate, the following will be required.

  1. Participating in at least 10 seminars.
  2. Participating in at least 1-2 seminars from each of the Modules A, B, C, and D
  3. Participating in both practicum seminars, Module E
  4. Handing in a portfolio of various professional and academic documents (see below).

Students can sign up for each seminar through the CTL website [ctl.korea.ac.kr > Events, and click on the seminar title for a login screen to sign up]. For the certificate program, see the certificate application page (sign-ups for this are via the CTL website during the allowed time period for application). For questions, please contact the seminar facilitator, Prof. Kent Lee, at:

2 Seminars

Below is a summary of the sessions to be offered. Module B focuses on professional development skills for academic and non-academic careers. The EAP modules focus on English for Academic Purposes, such as ESL issues in professional speaking and writing. The small group session involves peer editing and discussion of assignments, and micro-teaching provides students opportunities to apply and reflect on what they have learned in a real teaching exercise.

For descriptions, mouse over each title, or see the page for seminar descriptions and handouts. Those with asterisks [*] pertain to assignments for the certificate portfolio.

2.1 Module A: General

  1. A1. Strategies for academic English [14 March]
  2. A2. Preparing for academic and professional careers [21 March]

2.2 Module B: Pedagogy & professional development

  1. B1. Preparing for the teaching career* [28 March]
  2. B2. Course and lesson planning* [04 April]
  3. B3. Teaching methods & strategies [11 April]
  4. B4. Assessment and feedback in teaching [18 April]

5. B5. Interactive classroom activities [18 April]

2.3 Module C: EAP Speaking

  1. C1. Conference proposals and presentations* [02 May]
  2. C2. English speaking & listening skills [09 May]
  3. C3. Lecture and presentation skills [16 May]

2.4 Module D: EAP Writing

  1. D1. Writing academic papers [23 May]
  2. D2. Using sources [30 May]
  3. D3. Coherence and flow in writing [13 June]
  4. D4. Cohesion, style and wording [13 June]

2.5 Module E: Practicum

[for certificate seekers only]

  1. E1. Small group workshop [various times, 21-30 May]
  2. E2. Micro-teaching workshop [various times, 09-23 June]

The small group workshop involves a meeting with 6-8 students and the facilitator for peer editing of assignments and group discussion. For micro-teaching, 3-5 students will meet per session, and each student will present a ten minute demo lecture, followed by critique from peers and from the session facilitator. These practicum workshops will be arranged by appointment with the CTL. The following assignments are involved for certificate applicants.

3 Portfolio materials

Those seeking the certificate will also submit portfolio materials to the seminar facilitator. Certificate applicants should bring drafts of the first two (CV, syllabus) to the Small Group Workshop (E1). The facilitator will provide feedback on the materials, and may ask for revisions before approving the portfolio materials, as these materials must meet certain standards.

  1. A curriculum vitae [CV] (Draft version due at the Small Group Workshop.)
  2. A sample course syllabus - for a hypothetical or potential course that one might teach (Draft version due at the Small Group Workshop.)
  3. A statement of purpose (SOP), research statement, or a teaching philosophy statement (TPS)
  4. A sample conference proposal or abstract
  5. An outline of one's micro-teaching lecture (due before the micro-teaching session)

4 Schedule

Most seminars will be offered on Fridays at 2pm, as 75 minute seminars. Micro-teaching sessions are only for certificate seekers, and will be arranged by appointment with the CTL.

Week #      Seminar title
Week 01
Week 02 A1. Strategies for academic English
Week 03 A2. Preparing for academic & professional careers    
Week 04 B1. Preparing for a teaching career
Week 05 B2. Course and lesson planning
Week 06 B3. Teaching methods & strategies
Week 07 B4. Assessment and feedback in teaching [10am] 
B5. Interactive classroom activities [2pm]
Week 08 E1. Small group workshops
Week 09 C1. Conference proposals & presentations
Week 10 C2. English speaking & listening skills
Week 11 C3. Lecture and presentation skills
Week 12 D1. Writing academic papers
Week 13 D2. Using sources
Week 14
Week 15 D3. Coherence and flow in writing [10am] 
D4. Cohesion, style and wording [2pm]
Week 16 E2. Micro-teaching sessions