Job search unit (Korean CLT)

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A communicative unit for Korean as a foreign language, advanced level, involving moving to a new city, finding an apartment, and finding a job.

1 Overview

This communicative unit was developed for the MATESL course EIL 367 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in Spring 1988. Our team consisted of Yunchul Yoo, Dan Kim, Kent Lee, Yeon-Sook Yi, and Jeongwon Yoon. Our unit was taught in April 1998 in Korean 206-F (third-year level), the highest undergraduate level Korean course taught in Korean at UIUC (the course is taught by Yunchul Yoo as a teaching assistant). The students were all Korean-Americans (heritage speakers) who had mostly been in the US since middle school; they are all highly proficient in Korean, but wanted to master formal, academic and written Korean.

The unit is based on the scenario in which the students go to Korea to live and find work. There they have to deal with getting around, finding a place to live, hunting for a job, applying and interviewing for a job, and dealing with daily workplace situations, tasks, and job demands. A number of the students in the class were planning to or considering doing to do so in their future, so this unit was highly relevant to their needs.

Note: Some of the files below are missing -- sorry about that. This web site was originally on an old departmental server, which was later taken down. I've had to reconstruct this from my old files on my PC. Some things are permanently gone, including the video files.

1.1 Objectives

  • Provide cultural orientation and practical skills for students moving to Korea.
  • Teach students skills for job-hunting, and for applying and interviewing for jobs.
  • Teach business writing skills for resumés, cover letters, and presentations, especially according to Korean standards.
  • Help students develop general communications skills for daily workplace situations, including oral skills for negotiation, dealing with clients, and giving reports in business contexts.
  • Orient students to the Korean workplace culture so they can more effectively deal with workplace situations involving cultural differences, e.g., relating to superiors, male/female coworkers, after-work socials (hwoesik).

1.2 Unit development

  1. Lesson plans, preliminary versions: Lesson plans that were drafted, developed, and actually taught in KOR 206 (Lesson 1: preliminary version was revamped into the secondary version; the latter was taught)
  2. Lesson plans, final versions: Lesson plans that were revised after being taught in KOR 206
  3. Handouts: maps, resumé samples, cover letter samples, evaluation sheets, product info handout, news articles
  4. Videos: prepared demo job interview video; video/audio recordings of in-class unit teaching Lesson 1: student negotiation [forthcoming] Lesson 5: mock interview [forthcoming]
  5. Transcripts of portions from our taping of in-class teaching Lesson 1: Renting an apartment (Korean/English interlinear) | English version Lesson 5: Mock interview (Korean/English interlinear) | English version
  6. Rationale explaining the theoretical basis for our unit, goals of our activities, and the process of developing the unit.
  7. Feedback: Students filled out feedback forms for the unit on the last day. Results from student feedback

1.3 Input materials

  1. Guideline handouts: handout of guidelines for cover letters and resumés (Lesson 3)
  2. Letters: samples of Korean and English cover letters and resumés (Lessons 3-4)
  3. Maps: city maps, transportation maps, and tourist information of the Seoul area (Lesson 1)
  4. Newspapers: apartment advertisements from on-line Korean newspapers (Lesson 1) ;
  5. Video: prepared video of mock job interview performed by project group members (Lesson 5); video from Korean drama illustrating workplace situations (Lesson 6)
  6. Web helps: handout of web sites for job search (Lesson 2) ; handout of web sites for beginning materials search for final project

1.4 Unit overview

The following table allows one to view our lesson plans in their various forms from start to finish. Preliminary versions were developed before teaching the lessons, and for each lesson, the last preliminary version was the one actually taught. After teaching each lesson, the lesson was revised and developed to what we would envision as the final version for future implementation of the unit. Each lesson corresponds to one class session or day.

Lesson 1: Getting around Seoul; housing

Lesson 2: Internet job search

Lesson 3: Job search; Résumés and cover letters I

Lesson 4: Résumés and cover letters II

Lesson 5: Job interviews

Lesson 6: A day at the office

Lesson 7: Talk by outside speaker

Lesson 8: Final presentations; Unit feedback / evaluation

Lesson plans: See below for some of the materials; but note that some of our materials have been lost.

2 Lesson 1: Getting around Seoul

2.1 Unit introduction

Time: 5 minutes

  1. The teacher introduces the unit and the first-day lesson.
  2. The teacher assigns students the final project and handout of suggested topics. This assignment will culminate in written reports and oral reports due on the day of Lesson 8.

2.2 Activity 1: Getting around Seoul

Time: 20 minutes

Materials: Seoul city maps; handout on tourist attractions and information; and subway map task: Becoming familiar with a new city by planning a day out to see the city and various sights, and making decisions with a travel partner in the process goal: Cultural orientation; learning to get around in Korean

Scenario: Two friends arrive together in Seoul; both have come to find a job; they are temporarily staying at a friend's place in Seoul. On their second day there, they first want to get to know the city and know how to get around.

Task 1: pair work (15 min.)

  1. The teacher divides students into pairs, so that a student who has more familiarity and experience in Seoul will be paired with one who is less experienced.
  2. Each pair is given a map of Seoul, a subway map, and other tourist information about the city.
  3. Each pair is to go out together to spend a day getting to know the city, their way around, etc. Based on the information handed out to them, they need to plan a schedule of where to go, what to do, how much time to spend at each place, and their itinerary, including how to get from place to place. They should see as much as reasonably possible to get to know the city to prepare for living and working there (and to have a good time).

Task 2: report (5 min.)

  1. Afterwards, they come home and tell their host friend what they did that day (they will have been instructed accordingly during the unit and lesson introduction). In effect, they will give an oral report to the whole class.

2.3 Activity 2: Finding and renting an apartment

Time: 25 minutes

Materials: handouts with newspaper advertisements for apartments (see links below)

Task: Finding an apartment thru newspaper ads, getting information from real estate agents, negotiating a lease; hence, information gathering and negotiation.

Goal: Cultural orientation in real estate, especially with respect to differences in the Korean system of renting apartments.

Scenario: The following day in Seoul, each person needs to find an apartment as soon as possible. Four people will talk to four different realt estate agents and discuss apartment facilities, locations, and leases. They must then select an apartment and discuss the terms of the lease.

Intro & instructions: (3 min.)

  • The teacher elicits from students and discusses what are important factors when renting an apartment.
  • The teacher gives instructions for the activity, informing them that they may have to give a brief oral report at the end of class, and that they will have to write a report in the form of a personal letter for homework.

Task 1: role play #1 (10 min.)

  1. Divide class into two groups of four.
  2. Group one consists of four separate individuals who are looking for apartments. Group two consists of real estate agents.
  3. The apartment hunters are given a handout with newspaper ads for rental agencies; each agency has several apartments in a particular region of the Seoul vicinity.
  4. Each apartment-hunter goes to the various real estate agents and asks for information on the agency's apartments. The agent gives specific information on all the agency's apartments, as asked (the student playing this role is expected to make up information as needed). In the process, students may have to ask each or the teacher about vocabulary items specific to the real estate context.
  5. The apartment hunters need to negotiate the lease, and choose an apartment.

Task 2: role play #2 (8 min.)

  1. Groups one and two will switch roles, and perform the activity again, with different handout(s) and information.

Task 3: report (4 min.)

  1. Students need to explain his/her reasons for choosing that particular apartment. Students may be called on to explain orally to the class his/her reasons.
  2. If a student did not give a report in the first activity, s/he should give a report in Activity 2.
  3. Students will also be required to write a letter to his/her parents (as a written homework assignment) to explain why s/he selected that apartment, and ask for money accordingly. The assignment is to be due the following class day.

2.4 Final Project

Work in pairs to do research a topic of your own related to jobs, work, and the economy in Korea, and give oral presentation.

Each pair should consider as many aspects of the topic as possible, and suggest an agreed conclusion. Five minutes will be given for the presentation and five for questions and answers.

Research sources (Choose 2):

  1. Internet search
  2. Search for the materials at the Main Library.
  3. At least one interview with Korean students who have job experiences in Korea

Presentation materials: Handouts

Documents to turn in:

  1. A written report (double-spaced, 2 or 3 pages)
  2. Copies of reference articles
  3. An interview report

The documents above should be included in your portfolio and turned in after presentation.

Sample topics:

  1. What do you like or not like about the Korean workplace culture?
  2. Should the Korean workplace culture be changed? (e.g., employee-boss relations, male/female relations, demands of work on one's life & schedule, etc.)
  3. If looking for a job in Korea, would it be better to work for a Korean firm in Korea, or a foreign firm (American, Japanese, etc.)?
  4. If looking for a job in Korea, would it be better to find a private sector job (private company) or a public sector job (government, education, etc.)?
  5. Would it be better to have job experience in America first before going to Korea to work?
  6. Would it be advisable to go to Korea to find work at this time, given the economic situation?

3 Lesson 2: Internet job search

Task: Doing a job search on the web

Time: 50 minutes

Materials: handout on web sites (see below), job search questionnaire

Task: Searching Korean web sites for information on jobs and companies

Goals: Learning Korean computer skills and job search skill

Introduction and instructions (10 min.)

  1. Students meet in the Lingua Center or Linguistics Computer Lab in G8. The teacher is to have reserved computers for the class beforehand.
  2. The teacher engages in a short teacher-led discussion of guidelines and tips on job searching. Students are directed to web sites with job search guidelines and tips.
  3. The teacher also instructs the class on how to download Unionway , an input and encoding software for Korean and other East Asian fonts, so that the students can view Korean web pages. The students are told about their oral and written assignments to follow, based on their search results.

Web search (40 min.)

  1. Students do a job search on the web according to their job interests, and are given a handout with the web sites below for starters.
  2. When students find some companies or institutions that they are interested in, they are to go to web sites for those companies / institutions and find more information about their prospective companies.
  3. During and after the web search, students fill out the (Korean) questionnaire about their job search results.


  1. In the next class session, each student will give a 2-3 minute oral report about their job search results, the company or companies they are interested in, and why.
  2. In giving their reports, students have been instructed to match their experience and interests with the web materials; to compare companies; to choose one company of particularly interest and reasons for one's interest in that company; and to share relevant information and opinions, not just dumping information on classmates.
  3. Students are to write a 1-2 page report on their job choice and rationale for selection of companies. The paper is to be handed in with their portfolio as part of their final project.

4 Lesson 3 : Job search; Résumés & personal statements

4.1 Activity 1: Job search lesson

Time: 25 minutes This activity concludes the job search lesson from the previous day.

  1. Each students gives a 2-3 minute oral report on his/her job search results, as assigned at the end of Lesson 2. Students are asked to speak naturally, rather than by reading a report directly from a paper.
  2. The segment concludes with the remaining time given to comments, discussion and allowing students to ask each other questions.

4.2 Activity 2: Résumé and cover letter criteria

Tme: 25 minutes

Materials: handouts:

  • Korean samples of resumés and personal statements
  • handout of guidelines on writing resumés and cover letters (for reading overnight) (English translation)
  • English samples of resumés [forthcoming] and cover letters

Task: Evaluating resumés and cover letters, and making a hiring decision accordingly.

Goal: Becoming familiar with the style and format of Korean resumés and cover letters

Scenario: Students comprise hiring committees in a corporate personel office. The committee must look over a set of resumés, critique them, and decide which applicant would be the best hiree based on her/his resumé.

Intro (1 min.): The teacher elicits criteria from the students for good resumés and cover letters.

Task 1: critiquing resumés and personal statements (10 min.)

  1. Students are divided into 2-3 groups of 2-3 each. Each group comprises a hiring committee
  2. Each group is given a set of resumé and personal statement samples.
  3. The group must discuss and critique the resumés and personal statements, as if they were a hiring committee in charge of hiring a new employee to fill a position. Then they must decide on *one* person to hire based on the resumés, and the reasons for their decision.
  4. Each group must report to their supervisor (the teacher) their decisions and reasons.

Task 2: discussion (8 min.)

  1. The instructor will lead the class in discussion of the criteria that the groups used in evaluating resumés and deciding on a potential hiree. The instructor may also "correct" students in their evaluation criteria, if they are following American practices that differ from those of the Korean business culture. From this discussion will emerge a set of criteria for writing good resumés.

Wrap-up and assignment (4 min.)

  1. In the last few minutes of class, the instructor will hand out the English samples of cover letters and resumés to read before the next class, and the handout of guidelines on writing resumés and cover letters.
  2. If the instructor has not done so previously, he will hand out a Korean alphabet keyboard template, so students can type their papers in Korean.
  3. Finally, the instructor will assign the students to write Korean resumés and cover letters, and to bring them to class the following class day.

Teacher provides handouts with guidelines for résumés and personal statements, and samples.

5 Lesson 4: Résumés & personal statements

5.1 Activity 1: Writing, discussing, and improving résumés and cover letters

Time: 30 minutes materials: student's own resumés and cover letters

Task: Peer editing of each others' written work

Goal: Refine writing skills via peer editing of writing samples; feedback and evaluation of writing; writing resumés and personal statements (i.e., cover letters) with good content and effectiveness

Task 1: peer editing (20 min.)

  1. The students are to have written drafts of their resumés and personal statements, as assigned the previous day, and they are to bring their cover letters and resumés to class.
  2. The students exchange papers with at least one partner and do peer editing on each others' work.
  3. They are to advise the would-be job applicants not only on mechanics of writing, but also on good content, writing and self-presentation that will make them come across as professional, marketable, competitive, and hireable.
  4. Ideally, each student should see at least two peer editors.

Discussion (10 min.)

  1. Teacher leads discussion of common problems found, trouble-shooting, and how to go about making improvements.

5.2 Activity 2: Comparing Korean and American resumés and cover letters

Time: 20 minutes materials: English samples of resumés and cover letters, plus the Korean samples handed out the day before.

Task: Contrasting and comparing American and Korean ways of writing job application materials

Goal: Learning how Korean standards differ from American standards for style and content of resumés, personal statements, and cover letters.

Task 1: group discussion (12 min.)

  1. Teacher has distributed samples of American resumés and cover letters on the previous class day.
  2. Students get into groups to contrast and compare the Korean and American samples and find the major differences.

Task 2: class discussion (8 min.)

  1. Teacher leads the class in discussion of their findings.

Teacher provides samples of cover letters and résumés.

6 Lesson 5: Job interviews

6.1 Activity 1: Introduction to Job Interviews (demo)

Time: 15 minutes materials: demo interview video clip; handout of sample interview questions

Task: Viewing and discussing demo video

Goal: Introduce Korean job interview format and types of interview questions

Task 1: demo video (4 min.)

  1. KSL members will have videotaped mock interviews beforehand, which the instructor shows to the class.
  2. The video contains a 4-minute clip in which two team members play job interviewers, who interview two other team members.
  3. This clip shows a two-on-two situation, which is not unusual in Korea, especially if many are applying for the same position.

Task 2: discussion (8 min.)

  1. The instructor leads the class in discussion of positive and negative aspects of interviews seen on the clip, discussion of what are positive and negative features of a job interview, and pragmatics of interview questions.
  2. The instructor distributes a handout of questions that are commonly asked in job interviews, including those on the video clip.

6.2 Activity 2: Mock interviews

Time: 35 min. participants: 8 students plus 4 KFL project group members

Materials: handouts:

  • sample interview questions
  • job interview guidelines
  • evaluation sheets

Task: Performing as subjects in mock interviews, and evaluating fellow students' interviews

Goal: Preparing students for challenging interview questions and evaluatory criteria that they would probably face in a real interview situation at a Korean company.

Task 1: preparation for mock interview (3 min.)

  1. The KFL project members come to class to play as interviewers, and students play as job interviewees. The committee interviews as a hiring committee would interview a job applicant in Korea. In the absence of outside help, a future teacher implementing this lesson could play the role of job interviewers her/himself.
  2. The students have been given a handout with commonly asked interview questions. They will select any one question and prepare an answer for the question, which they give in the mock interview.
  3. They will also be asked 2-3 other questions impromptu in the interview, besides the one question that they have prepared for.

Task 2: mock interview (25 min.)

  1. The students are given evaluation sheets with criteria for evaluating a potential applicant, similar to what a hiring committee might use in a Korean interview.
  2. While each student is being interviewed, the KFL interviewers and the other students will fill out the evaluation sheet.
  3. Each student has 3 minutes for an interview.
  4. S/he answers the question that s/he has prepared, and is asked 2 other challenging interview questions, including some personal questions based on their resumes and personal statements from the previous lesson.

Task 3: feedback (10 min.)

  1. Afterwards, the students and interviewers will give oral feedback and evaluation to the interviewees.
  2. The instructor will perform trouble-shooting on errors and problems observed in the student interviews.
  3. As necessary, the last 5 minutes may be spent on further trouble-shooting and/or wrap-up.

7 Lesson 6: A day at the office

7.1 Activity 1: Viewing and discussing a video (Introduction to workplace culture)

Time: 10 minutes

Materials: 5-minute video clip from a popular soap opera on Korean T.V., known as You and I (Kûdae kûrigo Na); video clips are available from the show's MBC network web site

Task: Viewing and discussing a video clip of a popular soap opera which illustrates Korean workplace situations

Goal: Introduce workplace situations, workplace culture, and cultural differences

  1. The teacher plays a five-minute video clip, in which students see a dramatic scene depicting a speech act such as disagreement, complaint, apology, giving and rejecting invitations, etc., among coworkers and/or supervisors.
  2. The teacher leads students in a five-minute discussion of cultural differences in relational tensions as portrayed in the video – differences that they would expect to encounter if working in Korea. Not only are honorific expressions and self-humbling more important culturally, but also bowing and gestures.

7.2 Activity 2: Pair-work discussion and role play

Time: 40 minutes

Participants: eight students, plus teacher playing role as the boss

Materials: handout in Korean with situations below

Task: Problem-solving in speech acts common in workplace situations

Goal: Introducing on-the-job cultural differences

Task 1: pair discussion and problem-solving (10 min.)

Students work in pairs to discuss and propose solutions to the following situations. Each pair is assigned one topic, e.g.,

  • Disagreement: Employees disagree with supervisors on buying office equipment, e.g., computers, copiers, printers, air conditioners, coffee makers, etc.
  • Complaint: The boss expects employees to stay late to work overtime (in Korean companies, employees are expected to stay until the boss leaves, so by staying late the boss also expects the employees to stay late until he leaves.)
  • Apologizing: An important check or company document that had been entrusted to several people has been lost. No one knows who lost it or who had it last. So the employees must apologize to their boss (which would be played by the instructor).
  • Refusing invitations: A person is invited to a hwoesik (after-work social gathering with supervisors and coworkers, a common occurrence in Korean business culture), but has to refuse or excuse her/himself or dodge the invitation because of a previous engagement.

Task 2: interactive role play (20 min.)

  1. The students now engage individually with the teacher, one-on-one. Thus, two students will act out individually the same situation.
  2. However, how the boss reacts and interacts may vary. He may act as a traditional tough boss, or a more modern, personable boss. So, for example, in Disagreement I he can react toward his employee differently than in Disagreement II with the second individual member of the pair. Students will get more of a real flavor for what to expect on the job in Korea.

Task 3: report and class discussion (10 min.)

  1. The instructor leads the class in discussion and gives cultural and linguistic feedback about how the students handled their situations.

8 Lesson 7: Talk by outside speaker

Lesson 7 in its original incarnation was to be a lesson on on-the-job sales and negotiation, but was scrapped due to logistical problems, then it became an Internet search for on-line sources for the final report, then finally an outside speaker holding a talk and answering questions. The latter was implemented, and went very well.

The other proposals, especially "Sales and Negotiations" could be used in a future implementation of this unit. Although it is untested, we still think it would be worthwhile to use someday.

8.1 Activity 1: Talk by outside speaker

Time: 50 minutes

Input: informal talk by a Korean MBA graduate student

Goal: providing background information for students' final projects

Task 1: Outside speaker (40 min.)

  1. The instructor invites a Korean MBA student to give an informal talk and question—answer session about various aspects of employment in Korea and the Korean economic situation.
  2. After the speaker gives a brief talk, students may ask the speaker any questions on employment and economic issues.
  3. The talk and Q&A session can be expected to cover issues such as: job hunting, interviewing, getting job experience before working in Korea, the Korean economic situation, job prospects (especially during the current recession), companies in Korea, relations among coworkers and supervisors, etc. The topics will relate to those the students have chosen on their own or according to the final project assignment.

Task 2: Discussion and wrap-up (10 min.)

  1. The teacher does final discussion and wrap-up of issues from the speaker's talk, relating them to their final projects.
  2. At the end of class, the instructor confirms pair work groups and topics for the final project.
  3. With information from this session, along with their own Internect sources, the students will give oral reports in pairs and hand in individual written reports in Lesson 8.

9 Lesson 8: Presentations & Feedback

9.1 Activity 1: Group presentations

Time: 40 minutes

Materials: final project assignment sheet given out in Lesson 1

Task: Doing research on a topic together and giving an oral presentation of their findings and conclusions Goal: Integrated use of various skills: reading, writing, research, oral presentation, in discussing and sharing opinions.

Background: Students have been working in pairs to research a topic of their choice related to jobs, work, or the economy in Korea.

  1. Student pairs will give oral presenations in class to report their findings and conclusions. For each topic, the students should discuss all sides of the issues, and give their conclusions. The members of each pair may reach similar or differing conclusions on their topic, which they will present.
  2. They will have the following time allotments: 5 minutes for each presentation, plus time for questions and further discussion; 10 minutes maximum per pair
  3. Students are to have found information on their topic by searching Korean magazines and magazines in the newspaper library or on the web, and by interviewing Koreans here with business backgrounds back in Korea.
    • What do you like or not like about the Korean workplace culture? Should the Korean workplace culture be changed? (e.g., employee - boss relations, male/female relations, demands of work on one's life & schedule, etc.) How?
    • If looking for a job in Korea, would it be better to work for a Korean firm in Korea, or a foreign firm (American, Japanese, etc.)?
    • If looking for a job in Korea, would it be better to find a private sector job (private company) or a public sector job (government, education...)?
    • Would it be better to have job experience in America first before going to Korea to work?
    • Would it be advisable to go to Korea to find work at this time, given the economic situation?
  4. Students should provide handouts or an OHP to the class for their presentation.
  5. Students are to turn in a written report of their findings and results, plus copies of their sources and interviews. The paper should be at least 2-3 pages, double-spaced. The paper and other materials are to be turned in as part of the final portfolio, which is due after the conclusion of the project units.

9.2 Task: Feedback

Time: 10 min.

Purpose: To learn students' reactions and how well they benefited from the unit materials: unit evaluation forms

  1. The teacher distributes and collects brief feedback forms from the students about what they think, what they have learned, their favorite and least favorite lessons, and if they would actually like to go to Korea for work.

10 Materials

Here are some of the materials for the above units; note that some materials are missing.

10.1 Lesson 2: Internet job search

Job search web sites to be provided by teacher.

10.1.1 Job search questionnaire

Search on the web for the company and the area of business you wish to apply, and fill in the related information for every category below.

  1. Type of the company (Choose one): a public corporation, a public investment agency, an educational institution, a major enterprise, a small/medium enterprise, a foreign firm
  2. Type of business (Choose one): construction, construction materials, lumber industry, paper manufacture, furniture, stationery, car industry, shipbuilding, machine industry, metalworking industry, iron and steel industry, precision instruments, electronics, electricity, computer, communications service, trading, banking, education, newspaper, publishing, broadcasting, advertising, event planning, private educational institute, textile industry, fashion industry, transportation, hotel management, etc.
  3. Size of the company (in detail): number of employees, annual profit:
  4. Location of the company (in detail):
  5. Salary and benefits:
  6. Privilege of military service (special exemption from military service):
  7. Prospect (financial status)
  8. Company motto:
  9. Terms -- working hours: working days per week, paid vacation days:
  10. Type of the occupation: office management, engineering/manufacturing, specialized field, planning/public relations, computer engineering, sales/marketing, education/counselling
  11. Employment procedure - screening through resumes and cover letters: interview: other necessary documents:
  12. Qualifications:
  13. Contact:

10.1.2 구직 정보 검색 시 점검 사항

Internet을 통하여 구직 희망 기업 및 직종을 선택하고, 해당 기업 및 직종에 대한 다음과 같은 정보를 조사 및 기록하시오.  

기업 형태별 구분 (택일) : 공사, 정부 투자기관, 교육 기관
  대기업, 중소 기업, 외국인 회사
업종별 구분 (택일) : 건설, 건자재, 목재, 제지, 가구, 문구
  자동차, 조선, 기계, 금속, 철강, 정밀 기기
  전자, 전기, 컴퓨터, 정보 통신
  무역, 금융, 교육, 언론, 출판, 방송, 광고, 이벤트, 사설학원
  섬유 화학, 의류, 유통, 운수, 호텔, 기타 서비스
회사 규모 (구체적으로 기술)


10.2 Lesson 3: Job search; Résumés and cover letters I

Handouts: Guidelines for résumés and cover letters

10.3 Lesson 4: Résumés and cover letters II

10.4 Lesson 5: Job interviews

Sample interview questions

10.4.1 Job interview guidelines

  1. Listen carefully to the question and try to get at the gist.
  2. Make your answer clear and brief.
  3. Try to answer the question within 3 minutes.
  4. Talk in your own words.
  5. When you have to include abstract concepts or technical terms, make it concrete and precise.
  6. Answer with enthusiasm.
  7. When you state your own opinion, it is advised to use "I-message."
  8. Be polite with stable and bright attitude.
  9. Even though you are asked embarrassing or trivial questions, answer each question sincerely with clear voice.
  10. Use appropriate honorific expressions.
  11. Keep upright posture and good eye contact.
  12. Avoid trite answers trying to speak creatively.
  13. Be confident in your opinions.
  14. Even though you are well aware of the subject, do not speak tediously. If you are asked to talk about an unfamiliar topic, admit your inability to answer it and wait for the next question.

10.4.2 Job interview student evaluation sheet

  1. The attitude of responses (things to be considered: voice, eye contact, posture, facial expressions, confidence, manner/etiquette)
  2. Content of responses: (things to be considered: succinctness, how interviewee gets the essence of the questions, creativity, how involved is s/he in the questions)
  3. If you are the boss, would you be willing to hire her/him? Why?

11 Evaluation & feedback

Below is the summary of the students' evaluation.

1. Which lesson did you find most interesting to you among the lessons under the topic of "Working in Seoul"? And why? 1) Getting Around Seoul 2) Job Search on the World Wide Web 3) Resumes and Cover Letters (1) 4) Resumes and Cover Letters (2) 5) Job Interview 6) A Day at the Office 7) Talk by Outside Speaker 8) Final Presentation

(7): I was most impressed by the talk given by the guest speaker from the MBA program, since I could learn a lot from his job experiences and his insight to the Korean economy. (7): The speaker was well aware of the current situation in Korea with plenty of experiences. It was very interesting and informative. (7): It was most interesting and I could learn what I needed most. (2): The idea of getting a job in Korea itself was very interesting to me, and I could find a lot of resources of various job fields in Korea through the Internet. (5): I think I had a chance to think about myself and to express who I am through the mock job interview. (3),(4): I found it very helpful and useful, since I can put what I learned to practical use in the future. (7): I was informed of current situation in Korea a lot.

2. Which lesson did you find most beneficial to you? And why? -Resume & Cover Letter; It is something I haven't learned before, and I found it very practical and applicable. - Job Interview; The questions given were the ones actually asked in the job interviews by major companies in Korea. So I got to know what the Korean job interview is like, and the guidelines will be very helpful in my future. - Resume and Cover Letter; This is what I haven't learned, and it was very helpful. - Guest Speaker; I think I learned a lot more about Korea than I used to know. - Resume & Cover Letter and Job Interview; This was something I didn't know very well. - Job Interview - Resume and Cover Letter - Guest Speaker; I got to know better about Korea.

3. Which lesson did you NOT like? And why? (6): It was very hard to play the role seriously. (1): I don't get the point of this activity. (2): It was hard for me to find proper information on the web. (6): I don't think I learned anything new. (1): I don't get the relevance of this lesson to the whole unit. (1): I don't think it was very necessary. (4): I don't think I will need this information.

4. How were the lessons different from the precious ones? What did you like and what did you NOT like? -Most of all, they were very practical and relevant to my needs, and that's why I find them very interesting. - Even though there were too many tasks and assignments to do I think they will be very useful when I go to Korea in the future. - Honestly I didn't learn anything new from the previous lessons, but this time I had an opportunity to learn something new and useful. - They were more realistic and I learned a lot through them. It was a little hard to keep up the pace. - I learned more than I had expected. The tasks were very realistic.

5. Were the lessons better/worse than the previous ones? And why? - better (everyone agreed on this)

6. What would you suggest to improve the lessons? - If we had more time, they could have been more productive. - I suggest we make more use of Korean websites. - Enough time - More presentations by the students. - Some of the materials were not sufficient. - I wish we had had more time to learn in detail.