A hard final exam

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Final exam topics

  1. Describe and explain the history of the world, from the beginning of the world to present. Be brief, concise, and specific.
  2. Run for president of a major world country. After assuming office, solve any and all major economic problems in that country. Then develop a model based on your solutions for solving economic and socioeconomic problems that would be applicable to third-world countries.
  3. Discuss the impact of Einstein's theory of relativity on modern Scottish history.
  4. Write a full-length novel in stream-of-consciousness style. Then review and thoroughly criticize your work.
  5. Select two of your classmates, and perform a brain transplant operation on them by switching their brains. There must be no damage to their brain tissue, mental faculties, language abilities, or personalities.
  6. Using a test tube, a petri dish, a tub of water, electricity from an electrical outlet, and basic chemical elements, create life in a laboratory. Provide a computer model to explain how your life form will likely evolve over the next 1 billion years, and how it will affect existing ecosystems.
  7. Create an artificial intelligence program. The program must be capable of writing novels, piano concertos, and graffiti.
  8. Construct a spaceship with a warp-drive engine, travel to a planet with intelligent life, and establish first contact with an intelligent species. Decipher their language, learn their customs, and learn to use their forms of humor, making sure to avoid any misunderstandings that would lead to an interplanetary war.
  9. Below your desk are the parts to a hunting rifle, disassembled. With it you will find an instruction manual explaining how to assemble the rifle, printed in Swahili. In 15 minutes a Bengal tiger will be admitted to the room. You must assemble the rifle in time to shoot the tiger.
  10. Learn the biochemical and physical workings of photosynthesis in plants. Then compose an opera that dramatizes and symbolically illustrates, in detail, the chemical processes involved in photosynthesis. The opera may be composed in Italian, Spanish, French, or German.