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* [[Lexical categories]]
* [[Lexical categories]]
===Semantics (Week 6) ===
===Semantics (Week 6) ===
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* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xRRez7tRpNwTdpb88UQgenePjpjtGmvrmU3ZU3H7L6w/edit?usp=sharing Semantics 1: Morphology & semantics slides] (08 Oct.)
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xRRez7tRpNwTdpb88UQgenePjpjtGmvrmU3ZU3H7L6w/edit?usp=sharing Semantics 1: Morphology & semantics slides] (08 Oct.)
* Lecture audio / video: Semantics 1 (08 Oct.)
* Lecture audio / video: Semantics 1 (08 Oct.)
* Semantics 2: Semantics slides (10 Oct.)
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Im8tQiATNmaNo_eQk2YNMIpAvYYwc0h1XxPpAjSt0DM/edit?usp=sharing Semantics 2: Semantics & syntax slides] (10 Oct.)
* Lecture audio / video: Semantics 2 (10 Oct.)
* Lecture audio / video: Semantics 2 (10 Oct.)
===Grammar & syntax (Weeks 7) ===
===Grammar & syntax (Weeks 7) ===
;Lecture materials:
* Syntax 1 slides (15 Oct.)
* Syntax 2 slides (17 Oct.)

Revision as of 10:37, 8 October 2019

Survey of English Linguistics

Daily polls  
03 05
10 12
17 19
24 26
01 03
08 10
15 17
29 31
05 07
12 14
19 21
26 28
03 05
10 12

  • Professor: Kent Lee
  • Fall 2019
  • Time: Tue/Thu 1st period, 9.00-10.15am
  • Room: 202 서관 (Liberal Arts Building)
  • Office hours: by appointment
  • Syllabus (강의 계획)

1 Overview

1.1 Course description

This is a first-year level introductory course to linguistics, which provides a general overview of the field. Students will learn basics concepts of human language and linguistics, and will explore how the English language is structured and used. This course aims to prepare students for university linguistic courses, improving their language learning skills (e.g., English as a second language), and developing an interest it English linguistics.

1.2 Course objectives

By the end of the semester, students will

  1. Understand basic linguistic terminology;
  2. Understand basic concepts of how human language works;
  3. Understand basic structural aspects of English;
  4. Gain study skills needed for the study of English and other languages.

1.3 Textbook and materials

This might be used as the textbook.

  • Fromkin et al. (2018). An introduction to language. (The book is rather expensive, and the 11th edition is new and hard to get in Korea; I will make an electronic version available via Blackboard, so you do not need to buy this book.)

1.4 Announcements

  • Short paper #1, due before the midterm
  • Midterm exam: in class, 9am, 22 Oct. 9 (Tuesday). Bring your laptop. You can use the Internet, and you can also bring your notes and textbook.

2 Weekly topics and assignments

Daily polls  
03 05
10 12
17 19
24 26
01 03
08 10
15 17
29 31
05 07
12 14
19 21
26 28
03 05
10 12

Daily polls (right): There is no right or wrong; I just want to know your opinion on these questions. These all add up to a single grade. These are also used to track your class attendance.

2.1 Introduction (Weeks 1-2)

  1. What is language? How does human language differ from (a) computer languages, and (b) animal communication?
  2. What is a language?
  3. What is linguistics? What is it useful for?
  4. Overview of key issues, origins of the field
  5. Common language misconceptions
  6. What is a theory?

Forms & quizzes
  • Google Form #1: This is a form to collect basic info and contact info, and to ask you some survey questions.

Lecture materials
Lecture slides (not PPT, but Google Presentation slides) Video lectures

Other links

2.2 Phonetics & Phonology (Weeks 3-4)

  1. Articulatory phonetics
  2. Difference between phonetics & phonology
  • Pre-class quiz on the phonology chapter. Be sure to read the phonology chapter first (at least the first 50-60% of it) to do this. This requires you to try out and apply what you've read and learned. This is due before class on 24 September. This is worth 25 points, and grading will be based on effort as well as accuracy.[1]
  • Google Form #2: Minimal pairs quiz; due before class on 01 October
Lecture slides & videos


2.3 Morphology (Week 5)

Lecture slides and video


2.4 Semantics (Week 6)

Lecture materials


2.5 Grammar & syntax (Weeks 7)

Lecture materials
  • Syntax 1 slides (15 Oct.)
  • Syntax 2 slides (17 Oct.)

2.6 Midterm (Week 8)

In-class essay exam

  • Date: 9am, Tuesday, 22 October, in our regular classroom
  • This will be an essay exam. It will test you over main ideas and concepts from the lectures and the book (not minor details), and how well you can apply them.
  • Be sure to bring a laptop for writing, and whatever snacks and drinks you need.
  • You will email it to me when finished. Or you can compose it in Google Docs and send it (be sure to make the file shareable, so I can open it).
  • You can use either one of these guides for document layout.

The exam questions will posted here at 9am on 22 Oct. Bring your laptop. You can use the Internet, and you can also bring your notes and textbook.  

2.7 Pragmatics (Week 9)

2.8 Sociolinguistics (Week 10)

2.9 Historical & comparative linguistics (Week 11)

2.10 Writing systems (Week 12)

2.11 Language acquisition (Week 13)

2.12 Psycholinguistics (Week 14)

2.13 Psycholinguistics & neurolinguistics (Week 15)

2.14 Final exam (Week 16)

In-class essay exam

3 See also

3.1 Videos

3.2 Other links & resources

Additional recommended books
  • Crystal, D. (2002). The English language (2nd ed.). London: Penguin.
  • Language Files, 12th ed., Ohio State Univ. Press.

3.3 References

  1. Various minor assignments have different point values. At the end of the semester, I will add up the point values to calculate one summative grade for minor assignments. For example, if your points add up to 175 out of 195 possible points, that's 175/195 = 89.7.