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<big>EMI series: Graduate student professional development program (CTL, Korea University)</big>
<big>EMI series: Graduate student professional development program (CTL, Korea University)</big>  
Required portfolio materials for the certificate of completion in the CTL EMI seminar series.  
Notice: This program / series has ended, at least in its current form, as of June 2014. I will not be conducting this program, as I am moving to a different department. Students and others are welcome to use these materials for their own benefit.  
EMI refers to English medium instruction, and this program is designed to prepare graduate students for future teaching careers, including teaching in English.
* [[EMI series]] main page
* [[EMI series seminars|Seminars]] - details & handouts
* [[EMI series certificate|Certificate]]
* [[EMI series micro-teaching|Micro-teaching]]
* [[EMI series portfolio|Portfolio materials]]
* [[Student resources]]
== Seminar descriptions  ==
Below are the main seminar handouts that you need, and some extra handouts for your own edification and pleasure. The links for each seminarshould be active at least a few days beforehand (the main handout first, followed later by additional or optional handouts, and a video link after the talk). Those with asterisks [*] pertain to assignments for the certificate program, and are thus strongly recommended for certificate seekers.
== Module A: General  ==
=== A1. Strategies for academic English [14 March]  ===
General strategies for improving one's academic English will be discussed, as well as general tips for English academic writing and presentations. This includes the writing process, dealing with mental blocks, and the difficulties in working in English as a second language. Main handout:
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.a1.pdf A1 Seminar handout ]
Other handouts & materials [optional / extra]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/dif.tech.ordinary.writing.pdf Differences between ordinary and academic writing ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/korean.esl.writ.issues.pdf ESL writing issues for Koreans ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/writing.process.pdf The writing process ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zkWFuzLh14&feature=youtu.be EMI Lecture video #1 ][Spring 2013, on Youtube]
# [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9f0692r_dg&feature=plcp Freedom from English], 세바시 talk by Kent Lee [세상을 바꾸는 시간 15분, Korean CBS-TV].
=== A2. Preparing for academic and professional careers* [21 March]  ===
This seminar will discuss career prospects for graduate students, and how students can prepare themselves. Interviews, CVs, résumés, cover letters and other materials will be covered. Main handout:
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.a2.pdf A2 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/job.interview.questions.pdf Typical job interview questions ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/interview.mistakes.ac.pdf Job interview mistakes ]to avoid
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/coverlettertemplate.pdf Cover letter sample / template #1 ]| [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/kl.coverletter.ku.crcr.pdf Cover letter sample / template #2 ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/cv.kentlee.2013.emi.pdf CV sample ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp.port.htm CVs, résumés, cover letters - see GSP Portfolios page ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRMyVwWGRKY Lecture video ]<br/>
== Module B: Pedagogy & professional development  ==
=== B1. Preparing for the teaching career* [28 March]  ===
Those interested in teaching can learn how to examine and explain their teaching philosophy and style, and learn skills such as writing teaching philosophy statements and interviewing for teaching jobs. Note: Please fill out the PAEI below and calculate your scores before you come, so that you can discuss your results at the seminar.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.b1.pdf B1 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/paei.tex.pdf Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory [PAEI] ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/paei.tex2.pdf PAEI - compact print-out ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/teaching.phil.manual.2011.pdf TPS manual (with examples) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/interviewQ.teaching.pdf Interview questions for academic jobs ]
# A few more handouts on [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp.port.htm teaching statements on the portfolio page ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/mbti.simplified.assessment.pdf Informal MBTI survey ]and [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/mbti.types.for.teachers.pdf explanation of MBTI]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/tsi.spreadsheet.xls Teaching Styles Inventory (spreadsheet) ]and [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/tsi.guide.pdf explanation ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzD3t-CDvqQ Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== B2. Course and lesson planning* [04 April]  ===
Future teachers can learn tips for efficiently designing courses, writing syllabi, creating materials, and creating lesson plans with clear learning objectives in mind.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.b2.pdf B2 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/ped.course.syl.design.pdf Course, syllabus and lesson design ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/engl/eng434.kl.syl.2013f.pdf Sample syllabus 1: English composition ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/engl/eng413syllabus.2013.pdf Sample syllabus 2: Language teaching methods course ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOpdkR0L0Ps Lecture video][Youtube]
=== B3. Teaching methods & strategies [11 April]  ===
Teachers can develop their teaching skills by learning basic techniques for teaching contents and concepts, such as how students learn, scaffolding, conceptual learning, and interactive learning methods.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.b3.pdf B3 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/ped.course.syl.design.pdf Course, syllabus and lesson design ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/scaffolding.pdf Scaffolding ]
# Videos: [1] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zc9Nuoe2Ow Walter Lewin, MIT]<nowiki>; [2] </nowiki>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkteNuJepzU excerpt from Mona Lisa Smile: "It's art"]<nowiki>; [3] </nowiki>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9URMDi5AqI excerpt from The Mirror Has Two Faces: baseball physics]<nowiki>; [4] </nowiki>
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuu_KBgFbaI Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== B4. Assessment and feedback in teaching [18 April, 10am]  ===
Future educators can learn how to use assessments more effectively, such as exams and assignments. This includes (1) grading, using rubrics, and giving better feedback; (2) common student difficulties in writing essays and research papers.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.b4.pdf B4 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/pho.rubrics.pdf Assessment and rubrics ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/formative.assessment.pdf Formative assessment ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/feedback.pdf Giving feedback ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/questions.disc.pdf Using questions and leading class discussions ]
# [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-QqvxmDjpo Video: exam commercial ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU7xHt3b75M Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== B5. Interactive classroom activities [18 April, 2pm]  ===
Teaching can be enhanced with effective questions, and interactive and group activities. We will learn about activities such as group work, problem based learning, discovery based learning, and others, as well as assessing group work.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.b5.pdf B5 Seminar outline ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/groups.intro.pdf Introduction to group activities ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/group.activities.pdf Types of group activities ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/questions.disc.pdf Using questions and leading class discussions ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/invention.act.genbooklet.pdf Invention activities ][science/math]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gram/grammar.cookbook.pdf Grammar Cookbook ][language teaching: guide to grammar activities, including pair/group activities]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wont2v_LZ1E Mazur: Interactive teaching in physics ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXotROrKn5w Lecture video ][Youtube]
== Module C: EAP Speaking  ==
=== C1. Conference proposals and presentations* [02 May]  ===
Conference presentations are the first step in building your academic career, and this seminar will cover the basics of poster presentations, conference proposals, and formal conference presentation skills.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.c1.pdf C1 Lecture outline ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/conf.proposal.samples.pdf Conference proposal samples ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/mentallexicon5.ppt Poster template ]and
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/lecture.expressions.pdf Lecture expressions ](booklet)
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/eap.wordchoice.pdf Word choice issues ](booklet)
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SLiCphjFuc Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== C2. English speaking & listening skills [09 May]  ===
Problematic issues of English pronunciation for Koreans will be discussed, such as certain consonants, long vowels, word stress (“accent”) and other stress patterns, intonation, and vocal delivery. * [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.c2.pdf C2 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/kr.esl.pron.issues.sum.pdf Typical pronunciation issues for Koreans (similar to #1) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap.htm#pron EAP & pronunciation handouts] and practice materials (on another website)
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/phon/th.pdf The 'th' sounds of English ]
# [http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Eacadtech/phonetics/ Phonetics tutorial]: flash-based tutorials for English vowels & consonants, showing how sounds are made in the mouth
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/eap.wordchoice.pdf Word choice issues ](booklet)
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co3Gah-5YX8 Lecture video ][Youtube]
* [[EMI series]] main page
* [[EMI series seminars|Seminars]] - details & handouts
=== C3. Lecture and presentation skills [16 May] ===
* [[EMI series certificate|Certificate]]
We will discuss further lecture and presentation skills for teaching and presentations, such as using technology, body language, vocal delivery, structure, transitions, and English lecture expressions.
* [[EMI series micro-teaching|Micro-teaching]]  
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.c3.pdf C3 seminar handout ]
* [[EMI series portfolio|Portfolio materials]]  
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.12f.09.prezi.pdf Presentation file (Prezi) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/body.lg.summary.pdf Brief summary of body language & gestures ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/tech.grafix.software.pdf Graphics software & Latex ]
# [http://www.amazon.com/The-Memory-Book-Classic-Improving/dp/0345410025/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1353652891&sr=8-2&keywords=memory+book The Memory Book ]- techniques for memorizing lists, contents, faces, new words, or the main points of a talk
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6JwHGFKqIs Lecture video ][Youtube]  
* [[Student resources]]
== Portfolio requirements for EMI certificate ==
== Module D: EAP Writing ==
Certificate seekers are required to turn in the following portfolio materials.  
=== D1. Writing academic papers [23 May] ===
# a curriculum vitae (CV) [draft due at the small group workshop]
# a sample course syllabus (for a hypothetical future class). [draft due at the small group worksho]
# a conference proposal [draft due before the micro-teaching workshop]
# one of the following: [a] a statement of purpose (SOP) to apply to a graduate school program, [b] a research statement, or [c] a teaching philosophy statement (TPS) to apply for a teaching job [draft due before the micro-teaching workshop]
# an outline of your micro-teaching presentation [due before your micro-teaching by email]  
The writing process and difficulties of English academic writing in particular fields will be discussed, and various types of academic writing will be surveyed.
The CV should be at least one page, but would likely be longer; there is no limit to how long it can be, as long as it is reasonable. The SOP or TPS should be 1-3 pages long (single spaced). The syllabus should be at least 3 pages long. For some of these materials, you can project yourself into the future. For example, you could write a future CV with possible future accomplishments, or a TPS that assumes you are done with your Ph.D. The conference proposal / abstract can be a real proposal that you have written, or a potential / hypothetical one for some of your research that you would like to present. When you send it, please let me know what kind of conference you have in mind. The length depends on your field and the particular conference, but 1-2 paragraphs is normal.  
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.d1.pdf D1 Seminar handout ]
They can be emailed to me. The materials must be done satisfactorily in order to receive the certificate. You may be asked to revise them until they are suitable.  
Other materials
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/dif.tech.ordinary.writing.pdf Differences between ordinary and academic writing ](same as for A1 above)
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/counter.arg.pdf Counter-arguments ]
# [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRI8doD8t1c Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== Micro-teaching  ===
Before your session, you should email an outline of your presentation to Dr. Lee. You and 2-4 other graduate students from different departments will each give a 10-12 minute mini-lecture. You can choose any topic in your field. After the presentations, the facilitator (Dr. Lee) will provide feedback and comments.  
=== D2. Using sources [30 May]  ===
Students often have difficulty with appropriate use of sources. This seminar will cover paraphrasing and summarizing techniques, citing sources, and integrating sources into one's writing.
== Assignment guidelines and samples  ==
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.d2.pdf D2 Seminar handout #1: Using sources ]
The following are some guidelines, samples, and instructions on how to do these materials. These are also discussed in the 5th EAP workshop.  
Other materials  
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/paraphrasing.technik.pdf Paraphrasing techniques ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/ac.papers.in.your.field.pdf Writing academic papers in your field ](overlaps with some material from other handouts)
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/google.scholar.pdf Google & Google Scholar searches: Syntax and tips ]
=== CVs (and résumés) ===
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/paraphrase.sum.quot.pdf Intro to paraphrasing (basic) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/cv.guide.pdf CV guide ]and [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/cv.kentlee.2013.emi.pdf CV sample ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/plagiarism.cf.summarizing.pdf Plagiarism cf. summarizing ](plagiarism exercise)  
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/resume.guide.pdf Résumé guide ]and [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/resume.guide.pdf Résumé sample ]
# [http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/6/23/ General guides for CVs and résumés ](Purdue OWL website)  
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/resume_eval.pdf Simple checklist for proper résumés ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/resume.grade.rubric.pdf Rubric / criteria for proper résumés, CV, cover letter, SOP ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/apa.guide.pdf APA guide ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/reportverbs.intro.pdf Intro to reporting verbs ]
=== Statement of purpose (SOP)  ===
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/reportverbs.style.pdf Reporting verbs: Style and grammar patterns ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/sop.guide.pdf SOP guide and sample ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/report.verbs.prob.ex.pdf Reporting verbs: ESL problems ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/counter.arg.pdf Counter-arguments ]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woW8PJFPs5Y Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== Teaching philosophy statements (or teaching statement)  ===
A teaching philosophy statement [TPS] can address a few or some (but not all) of the following topics.
* The teaching methods, approach, technique(s), or philosophy that you prefer, what it means to you, and how you would implement it. Discuss how you would implement it in your classroom
* What your actual classroom teaching would look like, and why
* Students' particular difficulties in the subject you would teach, and how you would address them
* How you might motivate students
* For any of the above: Provide specific examples of what you do or would do in the classroom.
* Try to be real and specific - avoid sounding like many typical TPSs that are fluffy and vague, and sound like commercials or self-promotions. Note that many TPS examples (like many of the examples online or in the manual below) can sound vague or overly promotional. Your TPS should sound authentic and sincere.
=== D3. Coherence and flow in writing [13 May, 10am]  ===
New writers often have difficulties in creating smooth, logical flow in writing, and in incorporating information from other sources into their writing. To help with these difficulties, techniques for properly summarizing and paraphrasing from sources in order to avoid plagiarism will be discussed, as well as transitional expressions and devices in writing.
You can refer to the following for guidelines and ideas on what to write about. For the TPS manual, you can disregard section 3 on worldviews / paradigms (that is for professors in various fields). The manual has a few appropriate examples - yours need not be as long as many of these examples. You can project yourself a few years in the future and imagine that you are applying for a teaching job somewhere.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.d3.pdf D3 Seminar handout ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/teaching.phil.manual.2011.pdf TPS manual (with examples) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/TeachingPhilosophyRubric.pdf TPS rubric - guidelines for a good TPS ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/tps.ex.edpsych.pdf TSP example: Educational psychology ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/tps.ex.lg.teacher.pdf TPS example: College language teacher Teaching statement ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/teachingstatement.hy.pdf TPS: language education ]
Other materials
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/trans.devices.pdf Transitional devices ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/trans.chart.pdf Transitionals chart ][[http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/trans.chart.90.pdf landscape version]]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/trans.guide.pdf Transitionals guide (expanded version of above chart) ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/trans.problemata.pdf Notes on connectives: Common transitionals problems among Korean writers ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/kr.trans.errors.pdf Examples of transitional & other writing errors ]
=== Course syllabus  ===
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/invert.pdf Inverted sentences [intro] ]
This would ideally be for the same type of course that your micro-teaching is based on. For the syllabus assignment, be sure to define the type of students this is for, and their background (in the actual syllabus, or on a separate cover sheet or intro section before the actual syllabus). This should be at least two pages. Make sure that the contents that you outline are reasonable and doable for one semester. You can use my syllabus as a template, but don't copy from it. Refer to the following handout and template:
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/invert.ac.ex.pdf Inversion (academic example) ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/ped.course.syl.design.pdf Handout on course, syllabus and lesson design ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/engl/eng434.kl.syl.2013f.pdf Sample syllabus 1: English composition ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/engl/eng413syllabus.2013.pdf Sample syllabus 2: Language teaching methods course ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/ped/syllabus.poor.ex.pdf Syllabus: Poor example ](pedantic style, poor format, wordy)  
* [[Syllabus & course design]]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/invert.ac.2.pdf Inversion (linguistic handout) ]
=== Research statement ===
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/colons.pdf Colons & semi-colons ]
These are used for applying for professorships and postdoctoral positions. They should explain the following.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/reportverbs.intro.pdf Intro to reporting verbs ]
* your past and present research interests (and future interests that you might pursue, and how these logically relate or have developed from past/present interests)
* your past research training and expertise
* past / current research accomplishments or findings, and their relevance or implications
* for a post-doctoral or researcher position: (a) specific project(s) that you would pursue at that institution, including research hypothesis, research design, expected results, and relevance / implications / benefits;
* for a professorship, spell out specific types of research and/or research projects that you would like to conduct at the department where you are applying (you may want to address the rationale, benefits, implications, and (expected) outcomes for at least some of your proposed studies).
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su-b8UG5tQg Lecture video ][Youtube]
See the following example.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/researchstatement_postdoc.pdf Sample research statement for postdoc application ]
=== D4. Cohesion, style and wording [13 May, 10am] ===
== Other forms of academic writing  ==
This seminar will cover typical problems that Korean writers face with definite and indefinite articles, demonstrative pronouns (‘this, that'), other structural devices, and various types of word choice issues.
This is not for the portfolio requirements or for the EMI program, but you may find this useful, as this relates to academic writing that is not covered in writing courses or typical forms of graduate student training.  
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/emi.2014s.d4.pdf D4 Seminar handout ]
Other materials
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/word.choice.issues.overview.pdf Overview of word choice issues ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/articles.def.indef.summary.pdf Short guide to definite & indefinite articles ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/articles.def.indef.pdf Definite & indefinite articles ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/rel.clauses.pdf Relative clauses ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/parallel.str.pdf Parallel sentence structure ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/gram/perfect.tense.pdf Perfect tense ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/eap.wordchoice.pdf Word choice issues ](booklet)
=== Cover letters ===
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/reportverbs.intro.pdf Intro to reporting verbs ]
Many cover letter samples can be found on the web; try searching for examples of cover letters for academic jobs. Here are a couple of samples.
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/reportverbs.style.pdf Reporting verbs: Style & grammar ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/academic.cover.letters.gradUIUC.pdf Cover letters for academic job applications ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/ac.coverletter.lx.pdf Academic cover letter (for professorship) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/ac.coverletter.ku.pdf Academic cover letter (language teaching job) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/ac.coverletter.hanyang.applx.pdf Application letter (non-tenure track) ]
* [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/eap.konglish.pdf Konglish expressions to avoid ]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lozk0DfnWQ Lecture video ][Youtube]
=== Extra: Interviews ===
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/job.interview.questions.pdf Typical job interview questions ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/interviewQ.teaching.pd Interview questions for teaching or academic jobs ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/gsp/interview.mistakes.ac.pdf Job interview mistakes ]to avoid
You can also find a few more relevant handouts on my [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap.htm EAP page (English for academic purposes)], or on my [http://www.kentlee7.com/writing.htm writing aids site].
=== Grants & dissertation proposals ===
== Module E: Practicum ==
Before actually starting on a dissertation, you will need to craft a well developed, well thought proposal, often as part of a preliminary exam with the professors on your committee. You may also need to apply for research grants to fund your dissertation research, especially in the sciences and some social science fields, unless you happen to be rich. If you do research as a grad student, or later as a professor, that requires funding, then grant writing could become a regular habit for you. So here are some grant proposals and general research proposals that I used as a Ph.D. student.
The following are only for graduate students who have applied for the EMI certificate.  
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/project.summary.pdf Project Summary.pdf (for grants, or for preliminary exam / pre-dissertation process) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/beckman_cs-ai-award.pdf Grant proposal #1 (for a university grant, which was the only grant that I won) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/COEdissgrant.pdf Grant proposal #2 (for a university grant) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/dissgrant.pdf Grant proposal #3a] and [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/dissgrant_pt2.pdf second part, #3b ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/NSFdissgrant.pdf Grant proposal #4 (National Science Foundation grant; and no, I didn't get it) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/kentlee_biosketch.pdf Biographical sketch for grant proposals (or other purposes) ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/budget.justification.rev.pdf Budget justification for grant proposal ]
=== E1. Small group workshops [Weeks 7-9: Various times, 21-30 April]  ===
Those seeking the EMI certificate should refer to the pages for the micro-teaching and portfolio assignments.
4-8 students will meet around or after mid-semester for peer editing of some of the written assignments, and groups discussion. Participants should brind a draft of the CV, sample syllabus, and if possible, other portfolio assignments.  
=== E2. Micro-teaching workshops [Weeks 14-16+: Various times, 09-23 June]  ===
[[Category:English medium instruction]]  [[Category:Professional development]]  [[Category:Courses]]</column>
4-5 students will meet per session, and each student will present a ten minute demo lecture, followed by critique from peers and from the session facilitator. Several sessions will be offered, depending on demand and peoples' schedules.  
            <column name="old_id">457</column>
            <column name="old_text">A  résumé is a general term for a document used for job searches. The word is borrowed from French, and in formal English is written with two acute accents (résumé), or one accent on the last 'e' in semi-formal style (resumé), to distinguish it from the verb 'resume.' It may be written with no accents very informally or if it is difficult to type the special symbol 'é.
A form of the résumé specialized for academic positions is the CV, or curriculum vitae, or vita.
Those seeking the EMI certificate should refer to the pages for the micro-teaching and portfolio assignments.
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/cv.guide.pdf CV guide ]and [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/cv.kentlee.2013.emi.pdf CV sample ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/resume.guide.pdf Résumé guide] and [http://www.kentlee7.com/eap/resume.guide.pdf Résumé sample ]
# [http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/6/23/ General guides for CVs and résumés ](Purdue OWL website)
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/resume_eval.pdf Simple checklist for proper résumés ]
# [http://www.kentlee7.com/writ/resume.grade.rubric.pdf Rubric / criteria for proper résumés, CVs, cover letters, SOPs]
# [[Kent Lee (CV)| My sample CV (wiki format)]]
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[[Category:English medium instruction]]  [[Category:Professional development]]  [[Category:Courses]]  [[Category:EAP]]

Revision as of 12:09, 26 May 2016

EMI series: Graduate student professional development program (CTL, Korea University)

Notice: This program / series has ended, at least in its current form, as of June 2014. I will not be conducting this program, as I am moving to a different department. Students and others are welcome to use these materials for their own benefit.


1 Seminar descriptions

Below are the main seminar handouts that you need, and some extra handouts for your own edification and pleasure. The links for each seminarshould be active at least a few days beforehand (the main handout first, followed later by additional or optional handouts, and a video link after the talk). Those with asterisks [*] pertain to assignments for the certificate program, and are thus strongly recommended for certificate seekers.

2 Module A: General

2.1 A1. Strategies for academic English [14 March]

General strategies for improving one's academic English will be discussed, as well as general tips for English academic writing and presentations. This includes the writing process, dealing with mental blocks, and the difficulties in working in English as a second language. Main handout:

Other handouts & materials [optional / extra]

  1. Differences between ordinary and academic writing
  2. ESL writing issues for Koreans
  3. The writing process
  4. EMI Lecture video #1 [Spring 2013, on Youtube]
  5. Freedom from English, 세바시 talk by Kent Lee [세상을 바꾸는 시간 15분, Korean CBS-TV].

2.2 A2. Preparing for academic and professional careers* [21 March]

This seminar will discuss career prospects for graduate students, and how students can prepare themselves. Interviews, CVs, résumés, cover letters and other materials will be covered. Main handout:

Other materials

  1. Typical job interview questions
  2. Job interview mistakes to avoid
  3. Cover letter sample / template #1 | Cover letter sample / template #2
  4. CV sample
  5. CVs, résumés, cover letters - see GSP Portfolios page
  6. Lecture video

3 Module B: Pedagogy & professional development

3.1 B1. Preparing for the teaching career* [28 March]

Those interested in teaching can learn how to examine and explain their teaching philosophy and style, and learn skills such as writing teaching philosophy statements and interviewing for teaching jobs. Note: Please fill out the PAEI below and calculate your scores before you come, so that you can discuss your results at the seminar.

Other materials

  1. Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory [PAEI ]
  2. PAEI - compact print-out
  3. TPS manual (with examples)
  4. Interview questions for academic jobs
  5. A few more handouts on teaching statements on the portfolio page
  6. Informal MBTI survey and explanation of MBTI
  7. Teaching Styles Inventory (spreadsheet) and explanation
  8. Lecture video [Youtube]

3.2 B2. Course and lesson planning* [04 April]

Future teachers can learn tips for efficiently designing courses, writing syllabi, creating materials, and creating lesson plans with clear learning objectives in mind.

Other materials

  1. Course, syllabus and lesson design
  2. Sample syllabus 1: English composition
  3. Sample syllabus 2: Language teaching methods course
  4. Lecture video[Youtube]

3.3 B3. Teaching methods & strategies [11 April]

Teachers can develop their teaching skills by learning basic techniques for teaching contents and concepts, such as how students learn, scaffolding, conceptual learning, and interactive learning methods.

Other materials

  1. Course, syllabus and lesson design
  2. Scaffolding
  3. Videos: [1] Walter Lewin, MIT; [2] excerpt from Mona Lisa Smile: "It's art"; [3] excerpt from The Mirror Has Two Faces: baseball physics; [4]
  4. Lecture video [Youtube]

3.4 B4. Assessment and feedback in teaching [18 April, 10am]

Future educators can learn how to use assessments more effectively, such as exams and assignments. This includes (1) grading, using rubrics, and giving better feedback; (2) common student difficulties in writing essays and research papers.

Other materials

  1. Assessment and rubrics
  2. Formative assessment
  3. Giving feedback
  4. Using questions and leading class discussions
  5. Video: exam commercial
  6. Lecture video [Youtube]

3.5 B5. Interactive classroom activities [18 April, 2pm]

Teaching can be enhanced with effective questions, and interactive and group activities. We will learn about activities such as group work, problem based learning, discovery based learning, and others, as well as assessing group work.

Other materials

  1. Introduction to group activities
  2. Types of group activities
  3. Using questions and leading class discussions
  4. Invention activities [science/math]
  5. Grammar Cookbook [language teaching: guide to grammar activities, including pair/group activities]
  6. Mazur: Interactive teaching in physics
  7. Lecture video [Youtube]

4 Module C: EAP Speaking

4.1 C1. Conference proposals and presentations* [02 May]

Conference presentations are the first step in building your academic career, and this seminar will cover the basics of poster presentations, conference proposals, and formal conference presentation skills.

Other materials

  1. Conference proposal samples
  2. Poster template and
  3. Lecture expressions (booklet)
  4. Word choice issues (booklet)
  5. Lecture video [Youtube]

4.2 C2. English speaking & listening skills [09 May]

Problematic issues of English pronunciation for Koreans will be discussed, such as certain consonants, long vowels, word stress (“accent”) and other stress patterns, intonation, and vocal delivery. * C2 Seminar handout

Other materials

  1. Typical pronunciation issues for Koreans (similar to #1)
  2. EAP & pronunciation handouts and practice materials (on another website)
  3. The 'th' sounds of English
  4. Phonetics tutorial: flash-based tutorials for English vowels & consonants, showing how sounds are made in the mouth
  5. Word choice issues (booklet)
  6. Lecture video [Youtube]

4.3 C3. Lecture and presentation skills [16 May]

We will discuss further lecture and presentation skills for teaching and presentations, such as using technology, body language, vocal delivery, structure, transitions, and English lecture expressions.

Other materials

  1. Presentation file (Prezi)
  2. Brief summary of body language & gestures
  3. Graphics software & Latex
  4. The Memory Book - techniques for memorizing lists, contents, faces, new words, or the main points of a talk
  5. Lecture video [Youtube]

5 Module D: EAP Writing

5.1 D1. Writing academic papers [23 May]

The writing process and difficulties of English academic writing in particular fields will be discussed, and various types of academic writing will be surveyed.

Other materials

  1. Differences between ordinary and academic writing (same as for A1 above)
  2. Counter-arguments
  3. Lecture video [Youtube]

5.2 D2. Using sources [30 May]

Students often have difficulty with appropriate use of sources. This seminar will cover paraphrasing and summarizing techniques, citing sources, and integrating sources into one's writing.

Other materials

5.3 D3. Coherence and flow in writing [13 May, 10am]

New writers often have difficulties in creating smooth, logical flow in writing, and in incorporating information from other sources into their writing. To help with these difficulties, techniques for properly summarizing and paraphrasing from sources in order to avoid plagiarism will be discussed, as well as transitional expressions and devices in writing.

Other materials

5.4 D4. Cohesion, style and wording [13 May, 10am]

This seminar will cover typical problems that Korean writers face with definite and indefinite articles, demonstrative pronouns (‘this, that'), other structural devices, and various types of word choice issues.

Other materials

You can also find a few more relevant handouts on my EAP page (English for academic purposes), or on my writing aids site.

6 Module E: Practicum

The following are only for graduate students who have applied for the EMI certificate.

6.1 E1. Small group workshops [Weeks 7-9: Various times, 21-30 April]

4-8 students will meet around or after mid-semester for peer editing of some of the written assignments, and groups discussion. Participants should brind a draft of the CV, sample syllabus, and if possible, other portfolio assignments.

6.2 E2. Micro-teaching workshops [Weeks 14-16+: Various times, 09-23 June]

4-5 students will meet per session, and each student will present a ten minute demo lecture, followed by critique from peers and from the session facilitator. Several sessions will be offered, depending on demand and peoples' schedules.

Those seeking the EMI certificate should refer to the pages for the micro-teaching and portfolio assignments.