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IFLS 011: Academic English I (Spring 2019)


Kent Lee, IFLS, Korea University

  • Mailbox: 국제관 208A
  • Office & office hours: 국제관 720, by appointment
  • Email: See the syllabus or textbook (course booklet)

Course info
  • Course load: 2 hours/week, 1 credit
  • Class locations: 국제관 (International Studies Hall)


IFLS 011-40     TuTh 12.00-12.50pm     국제관 #317
IFLS 011-47 Tu/Th 13.00-13.50 국제관 #225
IFLS 011-49 MW 15.30-16.20 국제관 #108a
IFLS 011-51 MW 13.00-13.50 국제관 408b

1 Course description

This course deals with academic English for your college studies, including (1) academic English writing and speaking skills, and (2) critical thinking skills. The focus will be on academic English for writing and presentation skills for your future college courses.

1.1 Readings and materials

Textbook: Course packet, about ₩8000-10,000, from a print shop near campus (probably at the 空문화사 [공문화사] print shop near the 후문, the back gate on the way to Anam Station).

2 Weekly materials & assignments

2.2 Film project

We will not do stack decks as described in the book. Instead, each group will provide a summary of their project in the Google Doc below (about 1-2 paragraphs; each group will submit one summary here), so that others will know your topic and basic ideas beforehand. See further below for info about types of sources and some suggested sources.

Important links
  1. Group sign-ups and schedule (Each group should sign up here.)
  2. Submit your project summaries in the Google Doc (see the link in the sign-up sheet for your section).

2.2.1 Grading criteria

For the final paper, see the grading criteria on p. 177-178.

Final presentation criteria: Each category is scored on a scale of 1-10.

1. Rationale, goals, objectives Clear rationale & explanation for the project, including goals, potential, value, or benefits
2. Contents Sufficient contents & preparation
3. Project details Sufficient details & explanations
4. Other details Production timeline, general budget, staff / personnel / participants, etc.
5. Clarity Clear explanations, easy to understand follow; clear wording & vocabulary
6. Organization Well-organized and structured, good flow; flow indicated by intro, signposting, transition words & expressions; clear intro and conclusion
7. Speaking & vocal delivery Clear, audible voices; clear speaking & delivery; good vocal volume & intonation; the presentation quality indicates adequate rehearsal and preparation; no excessive fillers, pauses (uh, um), pauses, unfinished sentences; good pace
8. Interaction with audience Eye contact, body language, etc.
9. Equal participation Each group member participates equally
10. Value Overall social, academic, practical, commercial, and/or scientific value & benefit; creativity and originality
11. Effectiveness How effective the presentation was, its persuasiveness, informativeness
12. Reception How audience members evaluate your presentation will also be considered

3 Using sources

3.1 Finding sources

Sources are used for adding support to the ideas in your papers, and for helping to develop your ideas. Sources can be classified into three general types.

type characteristics usability examples
General / popular sources
  1. Written by non-experts, and thus, maybe not reliable or credible
  2. Written for a general audience (educated, non-educated, youth, etc.)
  3. The information or ideas may be of poor quality
  4. Published often for commercial / money-making purposes or such
  5. Sources may be absent, not cited, or only cited very informally
Generally not valid for college papers; most often, these should not be cited or used for college papers.
  • Trade books (most commercially published, popular books like those sold in book stores)
  • Popular periodicals (commercial magazines, smaller newspapers)
  • Common Internet sits, blogs, etc.
  • Common reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias)
  • Popular media sources & materials
Professional sources
  1. Written by experts: academic experts, business experts, government experts, professional experts from professional fields, researchers, etc.
  2. Written for an educated audience (college level readers or above)
  3. More credible information
  4. Published for professional, informational, or persuasive purposes
  5. Some citation of sources, often in a semi-formal style
Can and should be used in college papers, as these are of better quality, and many college students can understand and meaningfully use them in their college papers.
  • World-famous news outlets, especially those known for investigative journalism
  • Professional trade magazines / journals, which are written by and for those working in professional fields
  • Trade books written by experts (academic, professional, etc.) for educated readers
  • Government reports and records
  • Science news outlets
Academic sources
  1. Written by academic experts (professors, researchers, doctoral students)
  2. Written for other academic experts in the field
  3. Written in a scholarly or technical style
  4. Consist of original research by the authors, and thus, probably reliable or worth citing
  5. Published for scientific and academic purposes by academic publishers
  6. Sources are cited using a formal citation style
Probably too difficult for most college students to read, understand, or use meaningfully in their college papers; 3rd or 4th year students might be able to handle some easier academic sources
  • Academic / scholarly research journals
  • Research reports from institutes or government agencies
  • Research monographs
  • Edited volumes of research papers
  • Doctoral dissertations, master's thesis, conference papers

3.1.1 Professional sources

Below are examples of some professional sources that may be useful for your final papers.

News outlets
  1. New York Times http://www.nytimes.com
  2. Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com
  3. Wall Street Journal http://www.wsj.com
  4. Time Magazine http://www.time.com
  5. McClean’s http://www.macleans.ca
  6. BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news
  7. Der Spiegel http://www.spiegel.de
  8. El País (Spain) http://www.elpais.com
  9. Le Monde (France) http://www.lemonde.fr
  10. Reuters http://www.reuters.com
  11. Associated Press http://www.ap.org

Science and technology news sources
  1. Wired http://www.wired.com
  2. New Scientist http://www.newscientist.com
  3. Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com
  4. Science News http://www.sciencenews.org
  5. Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com
  6. CNET http://www.cnet.com (technology)
  7. Wired.com http://www.wired.com

Business news & analysis
  1. Forbes https://www.forbes.com
  2. Harvard Business Review http://www.hbr.org
  3. The Economist http://www.economist.com
  4. Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.com

Professional trade journals
  1. The Chronicle of Higher Education https://www.chronicle.com
  2. Inside Higher Ed http://www.insidehighered.com
  3. Times Higher Education https://www.timeshighereducation.com/
  4. Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com
  5. Observer https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer (psychology)
  6. Food Technology http://www.ift.org/food-technology.aspx
  7. World Landscape Architecture https://worldlandscapearchitect.com/

Other trade magazines
  1. Wikipedia list of trade magazines in different fields: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_trade_magazines

Film experts & links
Some of these links themselves are not professional sources, but they may lead you to relevant experts or sources on film.
  1. [1]
  2. [2] (not a professional source)
  3. Also search Google Scholar and also [www.riss.kr RISS], a search engine for academic research in Korea, for expert academic sources on film (some of these might be sources that you can understand and use meaningfully).

3.2 Citing sources

Here are links to guides for various citation systems. You can use any one of these for your papers in this course. If you would like to view my Prezi presentation, the overview of citation systems, it is available here.

Style Typical field & notes
* APA (overview) social sciences (e.g., psychology, education, sociology, applied linguistics); for a more detailed guide, see the complete APA guide
* Harvard style an older style for various fields, which is very similar to APA style
* MLA 7 & MLA 8 literature studies
* IEEE engineering
* Chicago Manual, short footnote style humanities (This is a more semi-formal citation style; end references are still required with footnotes)
* Chicago Manual (parenthetical) humanities (This is a more formal style with Author+Year in parenthetical in-text citations) humanities

If you have a lot of media sources, you might find APA inconvenient for citing these; you might find Chicago or MLA easier to use.

4 Style & grammar guides

5 Assignments & grading

5.1 Minor ten-point assignments

Minor assignments are short assignments that are graded on a ten-point scale, and include short paragraph assignments (¶), Google Forms (GF), brief presentations, and in-class tasks. This may also include a couple of in-class and/or online surveys (these are for data collection or research purposes, and you get ten points simply for doing them). A few assignments may count as two or three 10-point assignments.

5.2 Midterm

The midterm will be paragraph writing task, either in-class or at home. The writing topic will be related to one of the topics or units in the course. See the grading criteria in the Appendix for writing assignments.

  • Midterm due date: ? April
  • Length: About one page or more (single-spaced)
  • Sources: At least one source cited, using one of the above citation systems

However, I am so not strict about word limits; what is more important is that you have enough good contents, and your ideas are well developed (good details, explanation, etc.). An assignment space has been created on Blackboard for this. I use the Blackboard TurnItIn service (a plagiarism-checking service, which I use because it makes it easier for me to grade papers and give you feedback). It supposedly accepts different file formats, but MS Work (.doc/.docx) format works best. You can see p. 121 for suggested paper format, and Appendix 10.3.5 for grading criteria. You should cite and use at least two sources (including popular sources as examples of bad information, bad ideas, or misconceptions).

You should meet and work in your groups for the midterm and final, but the papers you submit should be entirely your own independent papers.

5.3 Final project

We will do a final group project, which will include group work and a group discussion project. Your grade will be based mostly on your own performance, and partly on the group’s performance. Instead of a final exam, you will write an individual final essay related to your group’s project; this will be out-of-class writing, which will be related to the final project. This will probably be turned in via the online KU Blackboard. See the grading criteria in the Appendix for major writing assignments.

5.3.1 Final presentation

You may find the following sites helpful.

5.3.2 Final paper

The final will be out-of-class writing, based on the group project, but your paper will be an entirely individual paper. This will probably be turned in via the online KU Blackboard.

5.4 Grade scale

You will be graded according to the following framework (though this might be adjusted slightly later). See the course packet for specific grading criteria.

Attendance and participation 15%
Minor ten-point assignments 15%
Midterm 20%
Discussion / presentation assignment         20%
Final essay 30%

6 See also

6.1 Making pitches

You may also find the following sites helpful, especially for the final discussion / presentation.

6.2 Notes & references