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Advanced English Writing / Composition (Spring 2022)

Prof. Kent Lee

Dept. English Language & Literature, Pukyong National University

Time: M/W periods 1-3 (sections 101 & 102)

Mailbox: #1027

Office & office hours: See syllabus; and by appointment

Course syllabus

This website will go along with my syllabus and materials in our LMS for this course, as well as materials that supplement my course book.

1 Weekly lessons

Here are some links and older lecture videos, in case you need to review. For items that are hidden, click on the 'Expand' applet on the right to see or collapse past assignments and materials.

1.1 Writing process

Click the button on the right to show this section.

1.2 Evaluating sources

Click the button on the right to show this section.


The following articles will be the basis of a Google Form assignment and our in-class discussion. The following articles (and video) deal with gender issues in companies, gender differences, and academic discussion of cognitive / mental differences between men and women. In the Youtube video, Stephen Pinker argue for the reality of sex-based differences--subtle differences in cognition (not overall qualitative differences between males and females), and some articles present opposing viewpoints.

  1. A world of difference: International trends in women’s economic status: Full article from the Annual Reviw of Sociology (Or here)
  2. How to recruit more women to your company, HBR
  3. The Guardian: The truth about sex differences ... (also in the course book)
  4. Psychology Today: The male and female brain are more similar than once assumed
  5. Psychology Today: Male - female differences in variability
  6. Pinker on male/female differences (Youtube video of an academic talk)

For the above articles, discuss the following. Note: 'Sex' refers to biological male / female differences; gender refers to a more complex psycho-social construct.

  1. Which of the articles are good enough to use as sources for writing a college research paper? Why?
  2. Which of these would not be good sources for your paper? Why not?
  3. What kinds of sources do the authors cite? Why? How do the writers use cited information in their articles?
  4. For online articles, click on the links in the text, where you see names and years inside parentheses. What are these articles? What kinds of articles are these? How reliable and credible are they? Can you understand them?
  5. What are the references at the end?
  6. If you were writing a college paper on the topic, would you cite sources like those that are cited in the articles?

1.2.1 Other materials

Lecture videos from previous years
Optional extras
  1. Pinker on male/female differences on Youtube
  2. Study: Schoozing helps men, hurts women, HBR
  3. Creating an inclusive workplace, HBR
  4. Gender equality is within our reach (Melinda Gates), HBR

Possible paragraph assignments

If we have time, this might be assigned. You may be asked to pick one of the following topics, formulate a specific position, and write a short paper to explain, develop, and defend your thesis.

  1. What do you think accounts for gender disparities in upper-level management in companies?
  2. What do you think accounts for gender disparities among the faculty and/or students in some academic fields or departments?
  3. How can we bring about greater equality in academic programs fields like yours?
  4. How can we bring about greater equality in professional careers or in companies? (Focus on a particular country, type of company, or other relevant context.)
  5. Explain one specific reform that should be made in the Korean educational system. You should focus on one specific change in one specific area, e.g.:
    • English education at a specific level, such as primary education (elementary school), secondary education (middle & high school), or tertiary education (college / university)
    • English testing (e.g., 수능)
    • Hagwon education, or government regulation of hagwons
    • A specific area of English education, such as reading, grammar, speaking...
    • Math or science education (e.g.,. high school or university level)
    • Humanities education (e.g.,. high school or university level)
  6. Choose a specific topic that is debated in your field. You will need to get my approval first for this (but use the Google Form assignment to propose it).

1.3 Paradigms and genre analysis unit

This is for the second half of the semester. Click the button on the right to show this section.

2 Major assignments

2.1 Midterm assignment

Here are the optins for the midterm.

Literature review

The literature review is the beginning of a paper that you would like to write for the final paper in this class. This can also be a paper that you need to write in another class. This paper should contain an introduction, and the main literature review section. The lit review section should examine and critique several key papers (published scholarly papers or research journal articles) on the specific topic that you want to write about. The lit review or introduction section should at least briefly state the research question, research hypothesis, or main objective of your paper.

Research paper proposal

This can be a proposal for a paper that you would like to write for the final paper in this class, or in another course (which you could also submit for this class). This would include a draft of an introduction, a literature review section, and then a brief section that (1) sketches out or outlines the main points of the body section that will be developed later, or (2) identifies and explains the research question or research hypothesis.

See also


  • At least four sources are cited and meaningfully used.
  • At least 500 words (maximum: 1500 words); 500 words = 2 pages (double spaced, in a normal 12-point font)
  • Properly cited sources in the essay, and a proper works cited / end references section at the end. Any normal referencing system is allowed, e.g., Chicago footnote + bibliography style, Chicago parenthetical style, APA, MLA, IEEE, CBE/CSE, Harvard.

2.1.1 Options for graduate students

These are options for students in master's or doctoral programs, or students who wish to apply to such programs in the near future. Click the button on the right to show this section.

2.2 Final essay / project

This should be a full length research paper or essay of an academic or scholarly nature. This counts as the final essay for the course, due at the end of Week 15. For this, you will have several options:

  • Write a full length paper based on a previous assignment: the proposal assignment, the midterm paper, the genre analysis paper, or other assignments. (Note: Some of the options, like a teaching or research statement, won't translate well to a final paper.)
  • Take a major paper that you are working on in another course, and use it to fullfil the final paper requirement in this course. (Aren't I nice? Yes.)

Length: Preferably, at least 3 full pages, if double-spaced (not counting references, graphs, tables, etc.), though this may vary according to the expectations of papers in your course or major. Grading criteria: See the course booklet for grading criteria for major writing assignments. Due date: TBA (to be announced), via the LMS

3 References & resources

  1. There is also an older hard copy handout: Handout on theories, laws, models