ENGL 413

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ENGL 413:Theories and strategies in English learning / teaching

  • Tue./Thu. 5-6:15pm (3 hours/week)
  • Locaton: 서관 224A (tentatively)
  • Course syllabus

1 Course overview

1.1 Course description

This introduces basic approaches to language pedagogy, including its basis in language learning, linguistics, and educational psychology. You will also work on applying these methods and strategies to your potential future teaching context. The main topics include: * Second language learning

  • Learning psychology, e.g., how students learn
  • Teaching methods
  • Lesson planning
  • Using interactive learning activities
  • Teaching different language skills - e.g., pronunciation, grammar, integrated instruction
  • Language testing and assessment issues
  • Professional development

1.2 Readings and materials

Handouts and materials will be provided on this website, or by email. There is no textbook for this course. See the Materials section (left navigation bar) for class handouts and other handouts; see the Assignments section for your assignments and related handouts.

1.3 How to find me

Via email: Email is the best way to reach me. I also have an office hour at my office in the Center for Teaching & Learning, 121 Central Plaza (knock on the door if it is locked - during lunch it may be locked for security reasons).

1.4 Links

Student resources

2 Course materials & handouts (weekly)

Below are handouts and links related to what we've discussed in class; many of these are required.

Some items are longer booklets or manuals that I have written; please keep in mind that these items are somewhat rough and preliminary materials.

2.1 Intro & teaching methods

2.2 Teaching philosophy and styles

2.2.1 Teaching methodologies

The most important ones here are the ALM, PPP, Direct Method, CLT and TBLT videos. The others can be skimmed.* Grammar Translation Method (GTM)

2.2.2 Examples of poor teaching

Fictional and non-fictional examples* Boring teacher (Youtube clip from film 'Ferris Buehler's Day Off'); Worst professor; Angry teacher

2.3 Learning psychology

  1. Notes on Krashen's theories
  2. Learning styles
  3. Simplified MBTI assessment (May not be as accurate as a full MBTI; please do not share this handout with others)
  4. MBTI personality types for teachers
  5. Notes on motivation
  6. Encouraging student motivation (Newstead & Hoskins, 2003)

2.4 Course & lesson design

  1. Scaffolding
  2. Introduction to course, syllabus, and lesson design (booklet)
  3. Questions: using questions and leading class discussions
  4. Intro to group work in classrooms: understanding why group activities and active learning methods work; understanding group dynamics; grading and assessment; and making groups work (booklet)
  5. Group activities: different types of group activities that you can try in teaching (booklet)
  6. Invention activities [optional]
  7. Griffiths: Teaching & learning in small groups [optional]
  8. Horgan: Lecturing for learning [optional]

2.5 Teaching grammar

  1. Grammar teaching: Practice or consciousness-raising (Ellis)
  2. Info gap examples [class handouts etc.]
  3. Overview of inductive grammar activities
  4. Grammar activities manual (Draft version; skip the first section, which consists of unorganized notes. Look at the sections on lesson plans and group activities; then browse some of the examples.) (booklet)

2.5.1 Specific grammar topics [optional handouts ]

  1. Grammar handbook (booklet)
  2. Summary of article patterns
  3. Definite & indefinite articles: Complete guide
  4. Other topics [most are in the above handbook]: Gerunds & infinitives -- Perfect tense -- Modals guide -- Phrasal verbs: over & up -- Clause types

2.6 Teaching pronunciation

  1. Typical ESL/EFL pronunciation issues of Koreans
  2. Proununciation manual (booklet)
  3. Pronunciation pedagogy guide(booklet)
  4. Side (sagittal) view of vocal organs
  5. IPA chart (way more detail than you'll ever need) [optional]

2.6.1 Practice materials for stress and rhythm

The following may be useful for more practice with rhythm and intonation, and for more (quasi-) communicative activities, pair work, or group work. Many of these are in the above pronunciation manual.# Simple rhymes -- Poems, limericks, longer rhymes, etc. -- Dialogues and monologues -- Shorter readings -- Longer readings

  1. Jazz chants

2.6.2 Pronunciation teaching videos

  1. Pronunciation: Teaching linking
  2. Pronunciation: Vowel phonemes in context
  3. Pronunciation: Compound stress

2.7 Other skills

  1. Discussion questions: Teaching language skills (and lesson plans) for in-class work and discussion
  2. Notes: Teaching reading
  3. Notes: Reading psychology

Here are some optional readings below.

2.7.1 Listening & speaking

  1. Developing discussion skills in the ESL classroom (Green et al.)
  2. Conversational English: An interactive, collaborative and reflective approach (Tsang & Wong)
  3. Listening in language learning (Nunan)
  4. The changing face of listening (Field)
  5. Raising students' awareness of the features of real-world listening input (Lam)

2.7.2 Reading, writing & vocabulary

  1. Teaching strategic reading (Janzen)
  2. Extensive reading: Why aren't we doing it? (Renandya & Jacobs)
  3. Best practice in vocabulary teaching and learning (Nation)
  4. Current research and practice in teaching vocabulary (Hunt & Beglar)
  5. The writing process and process writing (Seow)
  6. A genre-based approach to content writing instruction (Reppen)
  7. Teaching students to self-edit (Ferris)
  8. Excerpts from White (1995): New Ways in Teaching Writing (for primary / secondary school levels)
  9. Excerpts from Day (1993): New Ways in Teaching Reading (for primary / secondary school levels)
  10. Znarf: politically correct classification paragraph exercises on (alien) world religions. Znarf exercise, & simpler Znarf exercise

2.8 Assessment

  1. Assessment: General introduction
  2. Formative assessment: informal pre-class and end-of-class assignments
  3. Rubrics: systematic and time-saving methods of grading and providing better feedback
  4. Sample rubrics from Canadian Assoc. of Second Language Teachers
  5. [2]Sample rubrics from Assoc. of American Colleges & Universities for various higher level cognitive skills (oral communication, analytical skills, ethical reasoning skills, etc.)
  6. Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks - includes rubrics for assessing communicative language skills
  7. Using questions
  8. Giving feedback

2.9 Lecture and presentation skills

  1. Lecture expressions - including transitionals and other pragmatic categories like hedges
  2. Using questions
  3. Konglish expressions to avoid
  4. Typical collocation errors

2.9.1 Job interviews

  1. Typical job interview questions
  2. Job interview questions for teaching jobs
  3. Common mistakes in academic job interviews

2.9.2 Real classroom examples

Optional, for your own viewing pleasure: some videos of English classrooms in Korea featuring young learners.# Teaching kindergarten kids (toddlers, actually)

  1. English for children (plants, plurals lesson)
  2. English hagwon lesson
  3. English class, Bundang
  4. Yongin grade school

3 Grading & assessment

See the corresponding section of the ENGL 434 page for grading rubrics.