Pedagogy resources

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This page contains materials on the following:

  • General pedagogy aids, for professors and teachers of all subjects, especially at the university level
  • Language pedagogy resources

1 Manuals & booklets

1.1 1.1. Important writing / grammar handouts

1.2 1.2. Tutoring manuals

2 Pedagogical aids

This site is currently under construction. I plan to post various handouts on various aspects of pedagogy. For starters, here are a few. Booklet-length items are indicated with a book icon.

2.1 General teaching issues

Conducting classes & lectures in English [강사 Orientation, KU, 13 Aug. 2012]

2.1.1 Teaching philosophy and self-reflection

2.1.2 Lesson & course design

2.1.3 Technology & multimedia

2.1.4 Interactive classes and activities

  • Questions: using questions and leading class discussions
  • [[Image:|top]]Group activities: How to use group activities; and different types of group activities that you can try in teaching

2.1.5 Assessment

2.2 Teaching research skills & research writing

2.2.1 Quantitative research and statistics concepts

2.2.2 Teaching & understanding qualitative research

2.2.3 Research ethics, plagiarism, and source use

2.3 Student support materials

2.4 Links

2.4.1 Scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL)

2.4.2 Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

2.5 2. Pedagogical support services

The following describes the pedagogical services offered to regular Korea University faculty members.

2.5.1 2.1. Coaching

Professors come into their new jobs with expertise in their field, but often with little formal training in how to lecture or teach. Most learn through trial and error, and by modeling after their own past professors, but they may not be able to reflect on their teaching and how to improve it. They may not really know what works, what does not, or why. Coaching is one way of helping professors to improve their teaching skills, by reflecting on their teaching and how they can improve.

Instructional coaching consists of an informal meeting (about 40+ minutes) between the professor and an instructional coach or consultant. Instructional coaching is not a formal evaluation or assessment of your teaching. Rather, it is a support service to help professors to develop and improve their teaching skills. You will be asked to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher, and areas that you would like to change or improve. You may also bring specific questions that you may have about any aspect of teaching. This can also be an opportunity to learn about new or different teaching methods that you might like to try.

Any of these following topics (or any others) can be covered in a coaching session, depending on your needs and interests. * Designing lessons or syllabi

  • Assignments, grading and assessment
  • Lecture, presentation, and delivery skills
  • Teaching style
  • Effective use of questions, discussion, or group activities
  • Using instructional materials, media, and PowerPoint
  • Interactive and innovative teaching methods
  • Making lectures more interesting
  • Handling students' difficulties
  • Professional and self-development

Professors are welcome to come for more than one coaching session for follow-up or further discussion of specific teaching issues if you would like. To make an appointment, email Prof. Kent Lee at [[Image:|top]].

2.5.2 2.2. Micro-teaching What is micro-teaching?

New faculty members are required to participate in micro-teaching workshops. These workshops are conducted by a CTL professor. The purpose of the micro-teaching workshop is primarily for your benefit. It is designed to help you reflect on your teaching, to become more aware of what your teaching is like, and to receive feedback and advice on your strengths and areas for improvement. The workshop provides a safe environment where you can practice and observe your own teaching, and where you and others can benefit from giving each other feedback and teaching tips. What to prepare

Each professor delivers a 10-15 minute presentation. This could be a portion of one of your actual classroom lectures, or an abbreviated version of a lecture (for medical faculty who have no classroom lectures, this could be a seminar or conference presentation). All lectures will be recorded.

You can deliver a mini-lesson from any part of one of your courses or lectures, and you may demonstrate any teaching method that you normally use, such as lecture, lecture-discussion, or group activities. However, it should be reasonably organized, and the goals or purpose of your presentation should be clearly stated.

Most professors like to bring a PowerPoint file for their lectures, though this is not required. Be sure to bring a USB stick or external hard drive for any such files that you will use for your presentation, and so that we can give you a copy of the recorded video file of your presentation at the end of the workshop. The procedure

You and 2-3 other professors from different departments will present 10-15 minute mini-lectures to each other. You will then reflect on your own lecture, give and receive feedback to the other presenters, and then receive feedback from the CTL professor.

After all have presented, an informal feedback session follows. Portions of your lecture will be played back, and you will then be asked to reflect on your lecture. Comments from other professors will be elicited (and you will comment on their lectures); then the CTL professor will provide specific feedback on your lecture. The feedback from this session will help you see your strengths, and what you could do differently; helpful advice will be provided on how you might modify your teaching and improve your lecturing skills. Feedback topics can include presentation skills, organization, delivery, lecture contents, PowerPoint usage, poise, audience interaction, or any others.

At the end you can get the video file, which you can later burn onto six CDs or DVDs to send to the Academic Affairs department for EMC certification purposes. Workshops

To make an appointment for micro-teaching, please refer to the CTL micro-teaching schedule or contact the CTL about the next available micro-teaching workshop.