Networking & remote access
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The following are common and useful commands and utilities in Linux for managing networking, networking related functions, and remote access.
1 General networking
Command | Function |
/etc/network/interfaces | Location of network interface information |
cd dir | Access a directory called dir_name on a remote computer. |
curl -O URL | Download contents of a webpage |
curl URL | Get or display file from URL |
curl | Find one’s external IP address |
dig | Query DNS servers for information on a domain |
dig -x IP_address | Check DNS for reverse lookup an active IP address |
dig domain | Find DNS information and configuration on an active domain name. |
dig@IP domain -t AXFR | DNS Zone Transfer |
echo "nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | Add DNS Server |
echo "1" /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip forward | Enable IP Forwarding |
ethtool eth0 | Query or control network driver and hardware settings |
export MAC=MAC_address | Change MAC Address |
get file | Download a file from a remote computer to the local machine |
host -I hostname | Display the local IP address of a specified hostname with other information. |
host -l domain nameserver | DNS Zone Transfer |
host IP | Domain Lookup IP |
host domain | Display DNS ip address for domain |
hostname -i | Display the network address of the host name. |
hostname -I | Display all local IP addresses |
hostname -I | Display IP address |
hostnamectl set-hostname hostname | Manage hostname (/etc/hostname) without restarting |
ifconfig | Display the IP and MAC address of a system |
ifconfig -a | Display all network interfaces and IP addresses |
ifconfig interface IP/CIDR | Set IP and netmask |
ifconfig interface mtu size | Change MTU size |
ifconfig eth0 | Display eth0 address and details |
ifconfig eth0 IP up | Activate eth0 with specified IP address |
ifconfig eth0 down | Deactivate eth0 |
ifconfig eth0 up | Activate eth0 |
ifconfig eth0:1 IP/CIDR | Set virtual interface |
ifconfig int hw ether MAC_address | Change MAC Address |
ifdown interface | Down an interface |
ifup interface | Up an interface |
ip a | Display all system IP addresses |
ip addr add IP_address dev eth1 | Add a temporary IP address to interface eth1 |
ip addr show | Display network interfaces and their related IP addresses |
ip address add IP_address | Used under interface eth0 to assign an IP address. |
ip r | Show IP addresses for local host (same as 'route') |
lsof -i | Established Connections |
mail -s 'mail_subject' -c 'cc-mail_address' -b 'bcc-mail_address' 'to-mail_address' | Send an email from the terminal |
nc -vz host port | Scan port in host |
netstat -ant | TCP connections |
netstat -anu | UDP Connections |
netstat -nutlp | Display listening tcp and udp ports and corresponding programs (a netstat command) |
netstat -pnltu | Display all listening ports (a netstat command) |
netstat -r -v | Prints network routing, information, and connections |
netstat -tuln | All tcp and udp listening ports |
netstat -tulpn | Connections with PIDs |
ping -c hostname | Ping an IP address and stop after a specified number of replies |
ping domain/IP | Ping a host by domain name or IP (send ICMP echo request) |
ping host-ip | Check connectivity between two hosts |
quit | Logout from a remote connection. |
route, route -n | Display kernel IP routing table (local host IP addresses) |
route add -net IP | Tell other systems which network to route a system on |
route add default gw IP | Add a default gateway |
route add default gw IP | Set Default Gateway |
share user IP c$ | Mount Windows Share |
smb://IP/sharename | Access Windows SMB Share |
ss -tuln | All tcp and udp listening ports |
ssh -i | Grants user access to openSSH client. |
SSH user@ip_address OR host | Enables SSH login or sign-in to a remote Linux machine by specifying the machine's username and IP address. |
tcpdump | Dump network traffic |
telnet | Grants access to the Telnet protocol user interface. |
traceroute | Show places where packets travel to reach an address |
watch ss -tp | Network Connections |
wget --random-wait -r -p -e robots=off -U URL | Download an entire website |
wget -c file | Continue an interrupted download |
wget URL | Download file from a URL, |
whois domain | Show whois information for a domain |
2 Networking: Remote access
Command | Function |
/etc/ssh/sshd_config ‘’OR’’ ssh_config | SSHD configuration file (e.g., to change login options or assigned port numbers) |
get file | Download a file to a local computer |
put file | Upload a file to a remote computer |
rsync -a /home /backups/ | Synchronize /home to /backups/home |
rsync -avz /home server:/backups/ | Synchronize files/directories between the local and remote system with compression enabled |
scp -r server:/var/www /tmp | Copy all files and directories recursively from server to the current system's /tmp folder. |
scp file" server:/tmp | Copy file to a remote server (e.g., into the tmp folder) |
scp file" server:/tmp | Secure copy file.txt to the /tmp folder on server |
scp user@host:remote local | Copy file from host to local machine |
scp server:/var/www/*.html /tmp | Copy *.html files from server to the local /tmp folder. |
ssh -i | Open an SSH client; grant user access to SSH client |
ssh -p [port user@host | Connect to a remote machine or server through a specified port. |
ssh -V | Display SSH version installed on the machine |
ssh user@host | Connect to host as user |
ssh user@host | Connect to a remote machine or server based on a valid username and hostname or IP address. |
SSH user@ip_address OR host | Enables SSH login or sign-in to a remote Linux machine by specifying the machine's username and IP address. |
ssh host | Connect to host as user via SSH port (default port 22) |
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ user@hostname | Copy public SSH key to remote server |
ssh-copy-id user@host | Add current user’s key to host to enable keyed or passwordless login |
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/[filename] -C “[optional comment]” | Generate SSH key on client computer |
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, PasswordAuthentication no | Disable SSH password login (set PasswordAuthentication to ‘no’, PermitRootLogin to ‘no’, PubkeyAuthentication to ‘yes’) |
sudo systemctl reload sshd | Restart SSH server |
systemctl status sshd | Show status of SSH server on host machine |
telnet host | Uses telnet's default port 23 to connect to a target hostname, remote machine, or server. |