Process management
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The following are common commands and utilities for process management in Linux.
1 Process management
Command | Function |
at -d job ID | Cancels scheduled job according to job ID; equivalent to atrm |
at -l cmd | Lists scheduled jobs; equivalent to atq |
at time cmd | Runs a command at a specified time |
bg | Moves a running process to the background. |
bpytop | A new top alternative (requires installation) |
cmd & | Start a process and send it to the background |
crontab -e | Edit crontable |
crontab -l | List scheduled tasks |
crontab -r | Remove crontable |
df | Display information on system disks, e.g., free and used storage |
dmesg -k | Outputs system messages (helpful for troubleshooting) |
dmesg -k | Display system messages |
fg | Brings the most recent background job to the foreground |
fg PID | Brings a job to the foreground |
free | Display information about RAM and swap, free and used memory. |
fuser | Show which processes are using a particular file, device, or system resource |
fuser -m /dev/sda1 | Show which processes are using a particular device |
history | Print a history list of all commands issued within a particular shell |
htop | Display all running processes in real time (alternative to top) |
jobs | List all jobs presently running |
journalctl | System logs |
journalctl _UID=1000 | View log entries for a specific user by user ID |
journalctl --since "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" --until "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM" | Filter and display log entries for a certain time period |
journalctl -f | Follow system logs in real time |
journalctl -u httpd -n 3 | View 3 log entries for httpd |
journalctl -u sshd | View log entries for only SSH |
kill | Terminate a running process. |
kill -1 OR -15 | Soft kill a process |
kill -2 | Interrupt process; equivalent to CTL-c |
kill -9 | Kill a process forcefully and immediately |
kill -l | List kill signal names |
kill PID | Kills a running process of a specified process ID. |
killall procname | Kill all processes of the specified name |
lsof | List all files opened by running processes |
lsof | Display currently open files |
nice | Grant execution rights to a process with an assigned priority. |
nohup | Allow a process to continue after logging out |
pidof | Shows the process ID of a specified process. |
pidof procname | Find the PID of a process |
ps | Display currently running processes |
ps -ef | Display all active processes |
grep procname | Display information on a specific process |
ps aux | Display information on running processes in BSD format |
ps PID | Display the status of a running processes by its process ID |
pstree | Display processes in the tree-like diagram |
renice | Change or alter the execution priority of an already running system process |
renice -5 PID | Adjust priority level of a running process by process ID |
script | Record terminal session activity and create output for the session in a file |
sensors | Outputs the system's CPU temperature |
stop|restart | Used for managing system services through an executable sysV init script. You can start, stop, or restart the specified system service. |
systemctl status service | Change the status of a service managed by systemctl |
time | Print time taken for a command to finish running |
top | Manage and display all processes in real time |
whereis | Show locations of binary, source and manual pages for a command |
which program | Show the commands associated with an application |
2 Rsync
Command | Function |
rsycn -av –exclude ‘*.txt’ /src_dir/ /dest_dir | Archive but exclude a specific file type |
rsync -av --max-size=1000m src_dir/ dest_dir/ | Archive but exclude files over a certain size |
rsync -av –exclude ‘dir’ /src_dir/ /dest_dir | Archive but exclude a specific directory from the source location |
rsync -av /src_dir/ dest_dir | Archival backup (recursively, preserving links and file attributes; v=verbose) |
rsync -avR /a/b/xyz.c remote:/tmp/ | Archive a file on a remote machine, preserving the relative path (e.g., creating /tmp/a/b/xyz.c) |
rsync -avz /src_dir/ /dest_dir | Archive as a compressed file |
rsync /source_dir/ /desitnation_dir OR source_dir/ destination_dir/ | Backup a directory to a different location |
3 Crontab
Crontab is a utility to schedule and automate processes and commands. To get started setting up Crontab to automate processes, you can invoke the editor and do some general management like so. If you've set up a command and want to end the process, you need to open up the crontab editor, delete the entry, and save the crontab file (saving it will restart the crond daemon). The cron editor on many systems may use the vi editor by default, and some experienced users insist one should use vi.
Command | Function |
crontab -e | Edit crontab file |
EDITOR=nano crontab -e | Specify an editor like nano to edit the crontab file |
crontab -l | List the scheduled crontab jobs |
crontab -r | Remove the crontab file |
crontab -v | Display the last time the crontab file was edited |
In the crontabe editor, the following crontab syntax is used to set up automatic processes. The columns are in the following owrder:
- Command
- Minute (0-59)
- Hour (0-23, 0=midnight)
- Day of the month (1-31)
- Month (1-12)
- Day of the week (0-6, 0=Sunday)
Min (0-59) | Hour (0-23) | Day/month (1-31) | Month (1-12) | Day of week (0-6; Sunday=0) | Command | #Explanation |
* | * | * | * | * | * | #Default (Null contents when first starting crontab) |
0 | 20 | * | * | * | rm /home/user/dir/* | #Remove files from a specified directory every day at 8pm |
30 | * | * | * | * | rm /home/user/dir/* | #Removes contents of a specified directory every our on the half hour |
0 | 0 | 1 | * | * | rsynch -azv /home/user/ /bk/user | #Automated archival backup of a user’s home directory every month (at midnight at the start of each month) |
0 | 0 | * | * | 0 | rsynch -azv /home/user/ /bk/user | #Automated archival backup every Sunday at midnight |
0 | 22 | * | * | 1-5 | rsynch -azv /home/user/ /bk/user > /dev/null 2>&1 | #Automated archival backup at 10pm every weekday; then prevent crontab from sending an email to the user account (by default, cron sends an email after executing each command) |
0 | 0 | * | * | * | rsynch -azv /home/user/ /bk/user > /home/users/crontlogs/cron.log | #Automated archival backup; and log each job in a file |